Chapter 5: Anguish and Secrets

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Bakugo couldn't bear the thought of losing to Midoriya, he was practically steaming from so much anger and rage. He suddenly felt a hand on his left shoulder, it was All Might.

"Young Bakugo, it's time to go back." He told him sincerely, feeling the anguish on his shoulders. "It doesn't matter if you win or lose. You should take the experience and move on with your life."

Midoriya was placed on a stretcher and taken to the nurses office. Yinri didn't want to go, no matter how beat up she seemed.

All Might tried to convince her to heal her wounds, "Young Yinri, I highly do advise you get those wounds checked out, we wouldn't want them getting any worse."

Yinri disagreed, "They won't, sir. I've had worse."

All Might didn't want to argue much with her, but only said one more thing, "If you say so, I wouldn't want something like this affecting your future as a pro hero."

Yinri was silent, she followed him back to the control room to receive her critiques. She was wounded in various places and her hand was in critical condition, the pain throbbed throughout her arm, but she tried to ignore it as much as possible. She felt sick to her stomach.

After given critiques, the rest of the trial continued. The next battle began between team B and team I. It was Todoroki and Shouji vs. Ojiro and Urakaka. (In the case you don't know, I took out Hagakure from the story so she doesn't exist anywhere here, sorrynotsorry.)

The fight didn't last very long, Todoroki froze the entire building in a matter of a minute. Yinri was extremely fascinated with his quirk, barely taking her eyes off of him during the match. He managed to melt the ice afterwards, leaving some confused. After they walked back in the control room, Yinri couldn't figure out why she was still staring at him. He felt... sad. Todoroki glanced to see her staring at him, Yinri blushed out of embarrassment and watched the monitor.

Yinri's hand began twitching immensely during one of the battles. It got so bad to the point where she ended up fainting in the room. She was immediately taken to the Recovery Girls office. Most of the students were really concerned for her, considering it happened to suddenly. Uraraka was the most worried of all.

Back at the Recovery Girls office, Yinri and Midoriya were passed out on their beds, both for different reasons; Midoriya had broken his body yet again, letting this be his third time in Recovery Girls office, while Yinri overused her right hand and drained the majority of her stamina. All Might seemed to notice her laying unconscious in the bed, but paid no mind to it. Him and Recovery Girl talked quite heavily about the condition Midoriya was in, but something triggered Yinri to wake up. After talking about One for All, she slowly opened her eyes and sighed heavily. Bandages encased her right hand and her left side, her hair laid flat on the bed, her bangs swept her forehead. Recovery Girl and All Might noticed, sending All Might into an unexpected panic.

Yinri sat up on the bed, eyeing Recovery Girl and All Might, "A-Am I alright?" She asked.

Recovery Girl made her way towards Yinri, lifting her right hand, "You are, dear. Though, I'm concerned greatly about your right hand. I saw the burn, but the outside isn't healing properly."

Yinri glared coldly at her right hand in the bandage, "It'll never heal. Ever since it was burned, the scar never left."

Recovery Girl was really concerned, "How did you burn your hand, if you don't mind me asking?"

Yinri took a breath and clenched her left fist, she didn't want to get angry in this moment, "My... mother. She burned my hand on the stove when I was 8."

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