Chapter 9: A Questionable Past

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The teachers arrived in time before anything else could happen. The villains dispersed without a trace. Yinri, Midoriya, and All Might were taken to Recovery Girl. The students stood in front of the USJ.

"Alright, that's 18, not counting the kid with the crippled legs and the girl with a broken arm and leg." A detective said, "Everyone else is pretty much unharmed."

Tsuyu walked up to the detective with a bit of worry, "Hey detective? How is Mr. Aizawa?"

"From what I've been told, his arms have been severely fractured and he's suffering from facial fractures as well. Thankfully, he didn't receive any brain damage. The main problem is, the bones around his eye sockets have been crushed into a powder, there's a chance it might negatively affect his eyesight."

The others worried over the state of their teachers, "And as for 13, his back and arms have sustained serious lacerations. Other than that, his vitals appear to be stable. The same goes for All Might; nothing critical about his condition. He's being brought to the infirmary for treatment by Recovery Girl."

"What about Deku and Yinri?!" Uraraka shouted with much panic in her voice.

"How's Midoriya and Yinri?!" Iida joined in on the panic.

The detective responded, "Oh, them? Right, they both seem fit for the infirmary too. I have some business to attend to there as well."

*Time skip to the infirmary*

"Given these circumstances, I won't say anything." Recovery Girl uttered, "But I'm surprised Yinri is the one that has the worst injuries here. What happened down there, All Might?"

All Might assumes a couple of things, "I'm not exactly sure. At one point she just turned into this... demon like creature, except her personality remained the same, which I found rather odd. I knew she was powerful before... but that kind of power was intense."

Recovery Girl seemed a bit surprised, "Hmm... how interesting."

All Might sat up from the bed, bandages encasing his body, "I know I was being reckless, that I won't deny. If only I had another hour or so in me..." he paused, "Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it, just have to accept these sorts of things happen."

Yinri was still passed out, Midoriya turned to look at her with a worrisome gaze, "...Will she be alright?"

"Other than her broken arm and the sustained injuries to her leg, she should be alright. It'll just take her a while to fully recover." Recovery Girl responded.

All Might inquired, "How long would you suspect?"

Recovery Girl thought for a moment, "Give or take, I'd say 4 to 6 weeks, but I'm not sure when she'll wake up." She took a breath, being very concerned for the broken girl, mentally and physically, "Her mental state is incredibly unstable right now. I believe it would be best if she stays in the company of the class."

"Why do you say that?" All Might was confused, unsure of what she means.

"From what you told me, what that villain said about her, she's not over the traumatic events that happened in her life. She needs all the support she can get right now, which means she needs be around people that she knows. I don't think it's safe for her to be alone until she's stable enough." Recovery Girl added.

Midoriya and All Might couldn't agree more, but something was troubling Midoriya, "Isn't Yinri homeless, though?"

"Ahh... that's right. We'll need to figure that out as soon as possible." Recovery Girl replied.

Midoriya thought for a moment and had a sudden realization, "Hey, we have a spare bedroom at my place, she could stay there if she likes."

All Might seemed to agree, "She seems to like you the most in the class, so I see no problem with it."

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