Chapter 17: Harsh Reality

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Yinri walked back to her seat just before the next match began. Many thoughts swarmed her mind, none of them being good. She could only think about Azusa in these mere moments. She took a seat beside of Midoriya, who noticed something off about her.

"Is everything alright, Yinri?"

She turned her gaze on him, "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well... it's just that you've been more quiet than usual."

She broke eye contact, turning her gaze at the ground, she clenched her right fist against her leg, "It's nothing of importance. Don't worry yourself."

Midoriya turned his eyes back on the battle that was about to start. The match lasted for only a few minutes between Bakugo and Tokoyami, with Bakugo ending up exposing Tokoyami's weakness to light, leaving Bakugo the winner of the match. The final battle was against Todoroki and Bakugo.

"I wonder how the last match will end..." Midoriya said aloud.

"All we can do now is observe and learn through this." Iida responded to his statement.

Iida suddenly started vibrating randomly, he took his phone out of his pocket. He stood up and walked up the stairs, out of sight from everyone else. Yinri glanced back with concern, having this feeling that something's happened. Before the last match started, Yinri's hunch was right. Iida walked back down the stairs and informed Midoriya, Uraraka and Yinri on the situation, "I'm sorry you guys, but I must leave at once. My brother... a villain attacked him."

They all gave him words of encouragement before setting off, Yinri couldn't help but to feel bad for him, considering how much he looks up to his brother. After he left, the match began against Todoroki and Bakugo, Yinri and the others sat back down in their seats.

Todoroki shot off the same ice wall he did during his match with Sero, but it seemed different this time. That attack was more controlled than last time... he's being more cautious this go around.

Loud booms were heard within the ice cavern, Bakugo blasted his way through it with his explosions. He charged towards Todoroki, seeming like he was going to hit him, but he changed trajectories and leapt towards Todoroki's left side purposely, grabbing ahold of his arm and the left side of his head, throwing him off to the ground.

Todoroki stopped his fall with a smaller ice kind of wall, skating on it with ease as he approached Bakugo. He grabbed his arm with his left hand, looking like he was going to use his fire, but instead, he threw him against the smaller ice wall.  Bakugo blasted him on the ground with his explosions, pressuring Todoroki into using his flames against him.

"Are you underestimating me..?!? There's no point in winning if you're going to half-ass it! NO POINT IF I CAN'T DO BETTER THAN DEKU!!" Bakugo shouted from the arena, "IF YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO WIN, THEN THERE'S NO POINT IN YOU BEING HERE!!!"

Yinri's eyes widened, she remembered what he told her before she left her waiting room. If you really wanted to win, you would've put your mind to it and left everything else behind.

She gritted her teeth with annoyance towards herself. He's... he's right. I should've focused on the match... then maybe I could've been the one down there. Dammit!

"DON'T GIVE UP, TODOROKI!" Midoriya shouted from the stands.


Bakugo used one final move to take out Todoroki, it was like an explosive drill charging in the air. In that moment, Todoroki began to use his fire, but something stopped him from attacking. Bakugo blasted the entire arena, which sent Todoroki out of bounds. He stopped himself with the ice, to which he landed on, and appeared to be unconscious from the attack. Bakugo wasn't very happy, screaming and shouting at the collapsed half and half boy while clenching onto his collar. Bakugo suddenly passed out from Midnights quirk, making him fall on the ground as well.

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