Chapter 3: Class 1-A

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*Third Person P.O.V.*

It was the first day of classes, but Yinri was fooling around at the local market for the morning. She seemed to forget that classes begin at 8:30, but she was too busy buying local food, when she should be off to class. Yinri was wearing her school uniform, but forgot to look at the time. More like she forgot what time class starts. She was fooling around with some apples and bananas, wondering on which one she should buy for lunch today.

"Should I decide for you?" An old woman said jokingly behind the cart, waiting for a response.

"Oh, my bad. I'll take the apple." Yinri pulled out her wallet and handed the older woman a few dollars.

"Where are you off to this morning?" The lady asked sincerely.

Yinri put the apple in her bag along with her wallet, "U.A. High, I got accepted into the hero course and today is the first day of classes."

The old lady sighed and laughed, "Dear, have you checked your watch lately?"

Yinri was confused, pulling her sleeve up to see her watch, "Wait..." She paused and suddenly realized, "WAIT IT'S NOT 8:25 ALREADY IS IT?!?"

The woman chuckled lightheartedly, "Indeed it is, sweetie."

"Shit, I'm going to be late on my first day!" Yinri sped out of the market as fast as lightning, the school was 10 minutes away, but she tried to use her quirk to her advantage, boosting her speed with the wind. She knew she couldn't use it in public, but this is a major emergency. She ran passed multiple people who questioned the poor girl, some stopped her in the middle to talk to her for some reason. Great, just what I need. People talking to me when I need to be in class!

*Yinri's P.O.V.*

I can't believe I'm going to be late on my first day. Seriously, my first day?!? I'm so not used to these school schedules, but I guess I better get used to it quickly. After running for a few minutes, I finally arrived at the building, but jeez was it so big! It took me forever just to find my class! I looked down at my watch, "Aw man! It's 8:32! I'M LATE!" If I get kicked out on my first day, I'm going to rage.

I pushed the door open, and what happens as I walk in? I trip, of course. I embarrassed myself yet again in front of people I don't know! This is going to be a long day... I guess I'll just die here, then...

I heard some people snickering as I stood up. I dusted myself off and pretended like nothing happened, I turn to see what looks to be the teacher, rubbing the back of my head, "Sorry I'm late..."

I could feel his disappointment in me, I felt horrible, I didn't know what else to say, "It's a shame someone has to be late on the first day."

Oh no... please don't kick me out.

"Take your seat in front of Bakugo, and don't let it happen again." He sounded super groggy and monotoned.

"Thank you, sir." I walked over to the seat in front of this Bakugo guy, I couldn't help but to feel immensely intimidated by him. I couldn't tell if it was because of his appearance or if it was just his aura. Either way, I felt out of place.

"Anyways, welcome to the hero course. I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher, and these are your gym uniforms." He held up the uniforms, "Put them on and head outside."

I just sat down, are you serious?

I could tell the lot of us were confused, but we met Mr. Aizawa outside anyways for... whatever was going to happen. I'm wondering if we're going to begin with training today? But... wait, aren't we going to miss orientation? I decided to raise my hand and grabbed his attention almost immediately.

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