Chapter 12: The Sports Festival

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*Day of the Sports Festival*

*Waiting room - class 1-A*

Yinri chatted amongst Uraraka and Tsuyu, she still had her cast on her left arm along with the arm spring holding it up. Recovery Girl warned her about the time it would take to heal, but it's still not fully healed just yet. It's better than it was before, but another two weeks should help stabilize it. Her legs, however, were still damaged, but she's taken her time with her training. Her schedule consists of 15 minute spurts every 3 hours, whatever she can do to stay consistent throughout the day and become stronger as the days go by. She feels like she's pushed herself enough, but not too much. In fact, she's super pumped up for the festival.

Uraraka was surprised to see her with an arm sling still, kind of wondering how she'll be able to perform in the festival, "Don't you think you'll be at a disadvantage? I doubt anyone's going to hold back."

Tsuyu seemed to agree, "Yeah, can you perform with one arm?"

Yinri disagreed with the both of them, taking a bit offense to the statements, "I don't consider something like this as a handicap. I'm going to give it my all just like everyone else should. I'll be incredibly annoyed if any of you hold back just because of my injuries."

Most seemed a bit weary on the idea, especially Midoriya, he turned towards her with a worrisome look, "Are you sure, Yinri? None of us want to hurt you even more."

She was taken aback by the response, she felt like they were looking down on her, "Am I suddenly weak because of a handicap? I can handle myself better than most people, and if I get hurt it's because of my own fault for not being careful. I'm still going to beat most of you."

Kaminari laughed, "You sure about that, handicap?"

Some people laughed, but Yinri was not having it. She marched over towards him, and kicked him out of his seat, smashing her foot on his face, "You wanna repeat that, Pikachu?"

All you could hear was muffling sounds from the ground. Yinri knelt down to his level, hovering over him. She grabbed his collar with a lot of annoyance and impatience, "The next time I hear an insult as stupid as that, we'll test to see if you can fly off the roof of a very tall building."

Kirishima snickered in the background, Yinri was dumbfounded by the sudden laughter, dropping Kaminari in the process, "What's so funny?"

"You sound a lot like someone with a very explosive personality."

Yinri scoffed, "Shut up."

*text notification*

-Do well in the Sports Festival!
I'll try my best.
OKAY! Sheesh, what are you, my mother?
-I'm your loving sister who wants you to be the best she ever was. C:
Awwww.... I'll be the best for you.
-Be the best for everyone!
Haha, alright. I have to go, the festival is about to start.

*end text*

*Time skip to the announcements*

"WELCOME TO YUUEI'S SPORTS FESTIVAL! WHERE EVERYONE TRIES TO CLAW THEIR WAY TO THE TOP AND SCRATCH EACH OTHER THROATS OUT TO GET THERE!!" Present Mic shouted, well, more than shouted over the loud speaker, being overtly excited as usual with these kinds of events.


Class 1-A strolled onto the open field, people were screaming left and right, throwing their hands in the air like they just don't care, it was pure madness in the stands. As soon as Yinri walked out with her arm sling and her cast, they knew who she was from the USJ, but the white hair kind of gave that away. Some of people were outraged, but Yinri never expected it to be this bad.

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