Chapter 21: Outcome

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*Yinri P.O.V.*

Right on cue, Todoroki used his ice to slide us behind him so we stay out of harms way. I could feel his eyes piercing through me, "I didn't expect to see you here, Yinri."

I couldn't answer. No matter how much I wanted to speak, not one word came out of my mouth. Not only was my body paralyzed, but my mind was as well.

"Todoroki, don't let him get close to you! His quirk has something to do with swallowing his opponents blood and paralyzing them! That's how he got us!" I hear Izuku warn Todoroki.

"So that's what the blades are for, huh? Well, I can just keep my distance..." Before he could finish, Stain threw one of his dagger towards his face, cutting his cheek. He swooped in, grabbing Todoroki by the collar. It was almost like it was in slow motion, the hero killers tongue almost grazed over Todoroki's cheek, but his flames reach him before Stain could.

"Why..." My eyes fell on Iida, I could feel his pain and his anger almost as if it was my own, "Please... stop." He began shouting, "I inherited my brothers name, I'm the one who has to kill him!! I'm... the one..."

"You inherited your brothers name? Funny..." Todoroki claimed while he fought with Stain, blasting his eyes towards him, "The Ingenium I knew never made a face like that before." He took a breath, "Your family has a dark side... good to know I'm not the only one."

The attacks kept coming left and right and all around the permitter, it was like there was no stopping this guy! I closed my eyes in the heat of the moment, wanting this to end as soon as possible. Izuku and Todoroki were fighting... to keep us safe. The thought threw my mind for a loop, I never once thought someone would be protecting me and I'd be the one lying on the ground.

I opened my eyes. Midoriya was able to move once again, shooting towards Stain and attempting to take a punch at him. He fell back, landing beside of Todoroki.

He figured out the hero killers quirk... so it has to do with blood types? Whatever, I can't think about that right now in this useless state!

Izuku stood up, Todoroki patted his left arm, "We can protect them!"

"Please... Stop... I can't watch this!" Iida shouted, tears pricking in his eyes.

"If you want to stop us, then stand up! Be Ingenium! Be the hero your brother wanted you to be!" Todoroki screamed toward Iida, readying another flame.

Before I knew it, Iida stood up and without a second thought, kicked Stain back before hurting Todoroki any further.

I'm the only one not standing... dammit! I have to get up! Please let me stand up!

I kept pleading to myself, wishing I could stand up, but still could not. Everything felt fuzzy, I started drifting away from reality.

Before everything could hit me at once, Midoriya became paralyzed again. Iida and Todoroki were fighting so hard to keep us safe...

But then... the hero killer had other plans.

"Foolish children! Your motives aren't changed in a couple of minutes! I'll show you what it means to be a real hero!" His eyes glistened from the passion in his voice, a passion similar to All Mights.

Stain took out two of his swords and aimed them right towards Iida's and Todoroki's throats. Everything fell in slow motion right in that moment. I couldn't feel my breathing, my eyes widened from shock, what was happening to me???

Then, like a lion chasing after its prey, I dashed forward and pushed Stain back. I could feel my eyes change color, my skin darkened with scales, wings encased my back and a tail sprouted behind me. This was the first time, since the USJ incident, that I've transformed into my demon form.

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