Chapter 10: Brotherhood

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Chapter 10: Brotherhood

"Its time."Said the Witch. Ian was sitting on a rock as she brew a spell. "Master,Ive been searching for Klarisse there is no sign of her yet." The witch was mixing something that caused the cauldron to poof some purple smoke. " Shut up Ian I have to concentrate to find that weakling."She said while removing the spoon from the cauldron. "May I see the girl?" The potion she made had made a hologram like image. She saw Klarisse was with Dirk and she got mad at what happened."She is with her brother! Ian find her and bring her to me." Ian was always afraid from the witch. He hated her more than anything else in the world. He wished he had a normal life like his fellow Karines. Ever since her mother got kidnapped by the witch he never get to see her. He only talked to her through a hole in a wall. He missed his mothers's hugs her touch the way she looks. He even made Diana fall for him just to get his mother's freedom but he didn't free her."Had Harry found Persephone yet?" He asked the evil witch she managed to talk without even looking at him."He tried using the spell I do. He can resist the awful smell to get some fuzzlewick to find her. I think she will be good as dead when she got found by Harry."Ian nodded to show her he understood. " How about his son?" Said Ian knows that Harry needed to know that she will kill him herself.

"Keep that as a secret."Ian gets his spell book and went to visit his mother. "Mother, I wish I can set you free." His mother peeped her eye on a hole. "Son you must let Damien get Diana and make her his wife. So that the evil witch would set me free." He wish he was chosen to marry Diana. Diana became special to him even though he does not love her more than a Karine he fell in love with. Harry came into the witches cave he was furious when he found out his potion ingredients went missing. "Ian have you seen my ingredients like some fuzzlewick and my cauldron?" Ian told him he saw some pixies getting his ingredients and flown away. He lied to him since he needed the ingredients to find Diana. " Okay I will get some ingredients for myself. Its nasty to get some fuzzlewick I have my senses down since I used some to look for my son." His eyes turns to bright yellow which meant the full moon will come. And soon his son might grow up and turn into a Karine forever. He needs to find Aren before that happens. If he doesn't Aren won't be able to control his hunger for animal blood.Harry turned Klarisse to a Karine that is why Aren starts as a human and slowly turns to a Karine at the age of 21. Harry left the cave while Ian stayed there. Ian checked if Harry's ingredients were safe with him. He ulocked a treasure chest and opened it. He saw that the ingredients were still there so he swiftly closed it. " Your stealing from Harry brother!" Damien said he got mad at him since Harry was Ian's bestfriend. "I need it to find Diana." Damien got mad and he told his brother that it was his job. " Sorry but I need Diana I don't want you to marry her. I wanted to marry her instead of you."Ian was angry he had an obsession of Persephone. "No that can't be brother, I am the one who can set mother free. I'll kill her after marrying her that's the plan!!" Ian punched him hard and Damien hit the cave's wall."I'm sorry brother if ever you marry her...Don't kill her love her instead."Damien promised he was afraid his brother would hit him again."I will tell Harry what you have done!" Damien said and left to find Harry while Ian sat down on a rock thinking he should give it back.Harry came in wondering where Damien is he asked Ian if he knows where is his brother."He went out to look for you Harry."He told Harry with a grin on his face he stand up and leaves the cave.

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