Chapter 4

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So I'm feeling a little happy today hence my surprise chapter . Please switch on our notifications so that you don't miss out on Isabella and Edwards journey along with our cutie Sebastian *wink wink *

This chapter goes out to Violet and her cute niece , they sure did make my day .xx


Chapter 4
Edward’s  POV

After my little run in with Isabella outside the campus. I can’t seem to get her out of my mind, just imagine the things I could show her and the things I could do to her. She is just so beautiful. But like mother said I don’t think she is one to fall for my charms and good looks.

I can already tell that I make her uneasy, its just a matter of time before she throws herself at me, all girls do, so she is no exception.  With me being her chaperon to Chateau de Chambord in Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France, I can easily get alone time with her. But it seems that I would have to work twice as hard to even acknowledge me as a man of  high stature.

As of this moment I make my mission to get Isabella Kingsley to fall for me. 

“Mother, are you home?” I called out as I entered my house. 
 “Yes, son, what is it that you require me for?” She replied as she descended the staircase.                       “Mother, I would like to discuss the trip to France that I will be making in two weeks.”                                 “Yes, what of it?”             
“I would like to know the rules and regulations that I would be required to follow, so that I may keep things professional with Isa-Miss Kingsley.”                                                       
“My boy, I am your mother, do you think I haven’t seen the way you looked at her in my office this afternoon?”   

I did not think that she noticed, my mother is not one to take any interest in the women that I shag. Even though she tells me countless times not to do such a thing, I disobey her. How could I possibly deny the female population all this sexiness.

“Son, as I have mentioned before, she is not one to fall your charms. She is good girl who has worked hard to get here and quite frankly I do not want you to go anywhere near her.” My mother stated.     

“Mother, don’t you think that me staying away from is going to be difficult, seeing that I am her chaperon.” I stated , reminding my mother of my position as chaperon to the gorgeous miss Kingsley.

My mother then let out a frustrated breathe and shook her head disapprovingly. She rose from her seat and made her way to her study.

I cannot simply wait for my next encounter with Isabella.

Isabella’s  POV

Sebastian and I just stood there in each others arms for a couple of minutes until someone cleared their throat. I turned around to see Skylar looking at me with a huge grin on the flawless ivory skin. I gave her disapproving glare.

Skylar has been wanting me to get together with her brother Sebastian for quite sometime now, and every time she asks me whether I like him like that my answer is always the same, no. But she will not hear of it. She believes that Sebastian and I will be perfect together.

I see Sebastian as the older brother I never had. He is the only other person , besides Zara , that can make me smile or laugh whenever I’m down. He is quite a mad man. Sebastian is a really funny person, he is not one to cower away from dare. He is different from all the other guys I’ve met. He’s sweet, lovable and cute like a husky pup.
I know that it is a weird comparison but it’s true, he is as cute as a husky pup.


Okay so that's thee end of chapter 4 . Hope you guys enjoyed reading it . Please do vote and comment and you guys are most welcome to comment any future scene ideas and venues 😃 . Chapter 5 will follow after in the next few minutes , what can I say , its your lucky day .

Thank you
Sky Maxwell .xx

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