Chapter 13

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Isabella pov

We are currently sitting in a corner table at Café Nero. After our little encounter with Stella, which I zoned out of, Edward seemed a little edgy and anxious.

He seems like Stella had told him something very frightening, and Edward doesn’t seem like the type to get scared easily. But it is not my place to just start questioning him, like some jealous, clingy girlfriend who thinks he is cheating on her. And besides curiosity killed the cat.

‘But satisfaction brought it back.’ My subconscious adds.

We sat in silence throughout our visit to the café; neither of one of us dared say a word to each other.

Even now while walking back to the car, we are silent, deadly silent. I swear all you can hear is the rustling of leaves that are yet to fall from the tree, and the wind whistling.

Something’s on his mind, I can feel it, but no matter how curious I get, I will not intrude.

And besides why will he even answer any of my questions, I’m no one to him. I’m just some girl who he has to chaperone.

But, bloody hell, my curiosity is killing me. I need to know, as much as possible, as soon as possible.

I hadn’t realized that we made it back to my apartment complex, and that we already taking the elevator to the floor I stay on.

Note to self- pay attention.

We enter my apartment and I make my way to the couch in the living room, and I take a seat. I grab the remote off the coffee table and scroll through Netflix, trying to find a movie to my liking.

I finally found one; pride, prejudice and zombies, a different take on a classic book. And Mr. Darcy is quite the catch.

Half way into the movie, Edward did not make an appearance. And I am almost certain that he would take any chance he gats, to annoy me. Could he have left? No, not possible I would have seen and heard him.

So the question remains, where is he?

I decide to wait until the end of the movie to find my answer. After a while, the movie ends and I begin my search for him.

Now, where could he be? He definitely is still in the house. And so I decide to call out to him, “Edward.”

He doesn’t answer, so I decided to try again and again and again.

You must be thinking why it is taking so long to find him, right?

Well, because I am very lazy in this moment and I am still sitting on the couch. Where the bloody hell is that fool?

I sigh and get off of the couch to actually, physically look for Edward.

I looked in in all the rooms and still didn’t find him.

I give up.

I have no idea where he is. Maybe he did leave.

I shrugged to myself and made my way back to my room, maybe I’ll sit out in my balcony for a while. Again, I shrug to myself.

I merrily enter my room and head over to the door that opens up to the balcony. I step into the balcony only to receive the shock of my life.

Ok, maybe not the shock of my life, but definitely a shock.

Edward was sitting on the edge of the railing that enclosed the area of the balcony.

With a little nudge he could plummet to his death, if not death he might just get badly battered and bruised.

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