Chapter 11

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Isabella pov

To my surprise I found a horizontal black and white stripped long sleeved shirt and a maroon skirt. Which comes as a bit of a shock because I did not pick that out to wear. That's when I realized that this must have been Edward's doing.

So I  yelled for him. After a minute or two he came into my room with an unusual broad smile on his flawless face. That is when I became even more suspicious.

"Did you pick that out for me to wear?" I asked firmly raising an eyebrow.
"Yep, I didn't think it-" He was saying when I cut him off.
"Would be a problem?" I finished for him. He only nodded.
"Well it is a problem, you can't just come in here and pick out my clothes for me." I said trying to contain my anger

He just stood there awestruck at my little outburst. He completely avoided eye contact with me. After a while he bowed his head and sagged his shoulders.

Why the bloody hell does he have to go and do that? Does he not know that it makes me pity him? I thought to myself. I sighed and made my way to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I apologized and began to explain when I was cut off by him wrapping his arms around my waist and yanked me in for a hug.  An oddly relieving sensation ran its way up my spinal cord. I hesitantly raised my arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.

This was exactly what happened in the alley way last night before he tried to kiss me. But I for some unknown reason did not pull away from the comforting embrace. I let my mind go numb with the good feeling I received from Edward.

I just suddenly remembered that I am still in only a towel. So I reluctantly pulled away from Edward who now had a confusion written all over his face.
I let out a small laugh. Before I could say, "Leave." I simply stated.
It came out a bit to harshly that I wanted to, in fact I never meant for it to sound so harsh and rude.

"Sorry." He whispered and turned to leave the room. I didn't stop him because I didn't want to send out mixed signals. Actually I didn't want to send out any signals. But I think it's a bit to late for that.

I quickly changed into the clothes that Edward had picked out. I didn't even bother to comb my hair. As soon as I was done I rushed out of my room and went into the living room.

Much to my dismay he was not there. He must've misinterpreted what I said and left the apartment. But his car keys was still on the glass coffee table in the middle if the living room. So where could he have gone?

I heard water running. It was coming from the room that Skylar and Antonio share when they're too wasted to get back to his place. I opened the door to the room the same time Edward stepped out of the bathroom.

I was faced with a freshly showered Edward in nothing but a towel, which was the only thing that kept him decent. That did not change the fact that he had a perfectly toned body.

My breathe hitched in my throat and I bit down on my lower lip. I knew I was shamelessly admiring his body and quite frankly I don't think I care.

Edward cleared throat to get my attention and by the look in his face he had probably done it a couple of times.

"Like what you see, Bell?" He asked with a smirk.
"Hmmm?" I sounded still biting down on my lip.
He let out a little chuckle at my oddly girly behavior. Never have I ever seen such a majestic looking guy before, ok maybe I have but not recently mind you.

"Do you have anything for me to wear?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said.

I left the room before he could do or say anything. I went to my room and opened the chest at the foot of my bed.

You must be wondering why on earth am I opening a chest that  most likely has books in? Well, if you must know I not only have books in there but I also have some of Sebastian's clothes. It's not what it seems, I swear. He asked me about five to six weeks ago to keep some of his clothes here so when he ends up on my couch wasted the night before he will have a fresh change of clothes.

I took out a pair of black jeans, a white shirt and a black suit jacket.
I went back to Skylar's room and gave it to Edward who took with a smile. He didn't even bother asking how I acquired the clothes. I left the room for him to change.

After a few minutes he came into the living room where I was just relaxing on the couch with my legs propped up on the coffee table. I was reading this amazing  book by Addison Moore its called Ethereal. It is part of the Celestra series.

"Hey, Bell?" He said.
"Yes Edward?" I asked.
"I'm sorry." He simply stated.

Sorry, why is he sorry? I asked myself.

That's when I realized he was apologizing for the journal. Or more specifically what was in it. I wanted nothing more than to cry right here, right now. But couldn't, not in front of Edward.

I didn't say anything after he apologized. An uncomfortable silence began to grow when Edward spoke up.

"I didn't mean to invade your privacy like that, its  just the book was so tempting, I just couldn't resist reading it." He explained.

"Its ok" Was all I said.
"If you need someone to talk to about-" He began but was cut off by my sudden action.

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