Chapter 5

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Okay guys so here's chapter 5 as promised . Enjoy
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Chapter 5
Isabella’s  POV

I let go of Sebastian and greeted the other guys who seem to be looking really awkward.                                                       
“Hey, Antonio, Damon” I greeted them and gestured for them to come inside.

“What, we don’t get a hug too.” They said in union. “Oh, I see how it is, you give Seb over here a hug cause you're too afraid to hug us , because you might just fall for us.” Antonio said with a smug look on his face. Damon just stood there and burst out laughing and so did the girls.             

“Toni, babe, give her a break she’s had a rough day from what it seems.” Skylar said going up to Antonio and giving him a quick peck on the lips. From what Zara has told me, Antonio and Skylar has been together for approximately a year now.

But to be quite honest, they make a cute couple. They bring out the best and sometimes the worst in each other, if you know what I mean. Antonio, is a loyal person and can be trusted. He is normally really cool about almost everything, but don’t be mistaken when it comes to Skylar he is really protective. Antonio is about 6 feet 4, with tan skin and chocolate brown eyes.

Damon is also quite a fine specimen himself, with his dark hair and breath taking blue eyes, which might as well be bluer than the ocean. He is a really sweet person, well at least to Zara anyways. He isn’t much of a talker, more of an observer. And frankly I see the way he looks at Zara, with a loving and longing look.

Zara, for one was never really could at telling whether a guy likes her or not. She can be quite an eccentric person at times. I have  tried to tell her that Damon likes her, like really likes her. But she claims that she saw him several times publicly making out with lots of girls.

As far as I knew, it was just one girl who has been jumping him with kisses from out of nowhere.


She is practically a whore. She tends to always want things she can’t have, and right now she can’t have Damon. And apparently she lost her virginity at the age of 15. But honestly I’m not surprised.

It is because of her that Zara and Damon can’t be together. If Stella finds out that Zara is with Damon, she will most likely throw a temper tantrum and have a cat fight with my dear cousin. But lets be honest, Zara can take down Stella any day.

"I'm going to bed." I stated and turned on my heel and began to head towards my room when I felt something wrap around my wrist. I looked down at my wrist and looked back up to see Sebastian with a smirk. I somehow knew what he was going to say.

"Can I join?" He asked, the smirk never leaving his face.
"You can, but I don't think you will be able to control yourself." I said in a rather seductive tone that I didn't know I was capable of.
"Oh I will be able to control myself, but what about you? Will you be able to control yourself?" He said back.

"I will have you losing your self restraints in a matter of minutes. So don't underestimate me, Williams." I said probably taking him aback. "You're just saying that cause you afraid of being alone with me, isn't that right Kingsley?" He said in a low tone that was rather... sexy? While taking a few steps towards me which had me backing up, which I hadn't realized I was doing.

I was against the wall with Sebastian mere inches away from me. My breathe hitched in my throat and a slight shiver ran down my spine and I was sure that he had noticed that because his smirk only seemed to be growing wider.

All of a sudden I heard laughter. Laughter from Zara, Skylar and Antonio, Damon on the other hand just had a small smile playing on his lips.

I immediately pushed Sebastian off of me. He clearly wanted to say something but much to his dismay he couldn't, well not unless if he wanted to get hurt.

After awhile I returned from my room, to see everyone just lying around on the living room floor.
"So... What do you guys want to do?" I asked because I hated just sitting in silence.

"Oh, I know. We could play truth or dare." Sebastian immediately suggested. "What do you guys think?" I asked for their opinion.

"I'm game if you are babe." Antonio said to Skylar. "Yeah I'm totally game. But lets make things interesting." She said with a mischievous look in her eye.

"What do you mean by, 'Let's make things interesting' exactly ?" Zara asked not trusting Skylar when it came to things being interesting.
"I mean, instead of play boring old truth or dare, why don't we play........" Skylar paused for dramatic effect.
"Truth or Strip" she said with a huge grin on her face which made her look foolish.


Okay that's chapter 5 done and posted . Hope you guys loved it .
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Sky Maxwell .xx

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