Chapter 8

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Isabella POV

I subconsciously started to back up until the car stopped me from going any further. There was a mischevious gleam in  Edward’s pale blue eyes. He raised his hands and cupped my cheeks but instantly dropped it.

He turned frightingly pale, almost like a ghost, he backed up slowly staring at something beyond my shoulder, I didn’t want to look back for the fear of it being a felon of sorts.

After Edward was a good distance away from me he turned and walked away really fast. I followed him down the street and when he made a left turn into an alleyway. I needed to know why he reacted in such a way, why he ran away, I needed to know if he was ok.

Edward was leaning against a wall with his back to me. He didn’t seem all that good. That look in his eye was probably of fear, fear of what? I don’t know, but I intend on finding out one way or another.

I put my hand on his shoulder to somehow reassure him that it was going to be ok. He turned around in less than two seconds, wrapping his arm around my waist and burying his head in crook of my neck.

For a moment I tensed at his actions but then I relaxed. I slowly but steadily raised both my arms and wrapped it around his neck.

I knew for a fact that I was not good at comforting people, but that did not change the fact that I felt this burning need to just be there for Edward right now.

“Edward, I’m not going to tell you that everything is going to be ok, because nothing is ever ok no matter hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise,” I whispered to him but stopped momentarily when his arms around me tightened.

“But when you’re with the people you care about, they can make it ok by just being there. And seeing that I am probably the last person you care about, I am going to give you a piece of advice that others will sugarcoat. You need to suck it up, grow a spine and be a man about it.” I continued.

After I had finished my little motivational speech I heard him sniffle and let out a little shaky breath which I let out a little chuckle to. Hey, it’s not my fault that it tickled.                                            
He let go of me and stood up straight. When he did this I looked at my shoes for a second and looked back at him, he was crying.

I know that the rest of the male population consider crying not a manly thing to do, but I say otherwise. It takes a real man to cry and just let it all out.

I  subconsciously raised  my hands and cupped his faces and wiped the tears away with my thumbs.

He lowered his head after I did that. But I made him look at me when I raised  his head with my hands that was still on his face. He tried his best to avoid my gaze but I will not allow that.

“Edward, look at me.” I commanded but not harshly. He did not look at me. “Edward, will you just look at me.” I said a bit more harshly than I intended.                                                                  
“What, what do you want from me?” he asked anger just dripping from his voice. I was startled by his sudden change in mood.

My hands instantly dropped to my side with my jaw slightly ajar. I waited for him to apologize for taking that tone with me, but nothing of that sort was said.

My anger began to build up I was about to explode any moment like a volcano.                                       

“How dare you!? How dare you to talk to me like that after I just comforted you!?” I yelled                                       

“You call that comforting? A rock can comfort a person much better than you.” He said. Now he was getting on my nerves.                                                                              

“And who are you to judge? You where the one who hugged me. And if you did not follow me out of the bar, none of this will be happening right now. So if you think about it this is all your fault.” I said.                                                                                          
“So you’re blaming me for all of this!?” he yelled at me.                                                                                                                              
“You’re damn right I am.” I said crossing my arms.

He grabbed my shoulders and I flinched, not because I was scared but because of his heat his hands emitted, he pushed me against the wall that he was leaning on before.   
A/N : i am aware that it is short, but i had to give you guys something so yeah the above chapter was it.

Thank you for reading my book it means alot to me.

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Love Ellie, XOXO.

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