Chapter 10

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Isabella POV:

"Why are you doing all of this?" She asked.
"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand the question." I replied.
"Why are taking care of him?" Skylar spat out the last word as if it were poison.

"He has a name, you know." I said.
"Oh I know. I just don't care." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes at that.
I turned around to walk away when I realized that I had not yet answered her question.

"Because I'm human." I said over my shoulder and left them with most likely a questioning look on their faces.

I made my way back to my room and opened the door. I didnot expect to see Edward up and about when I got back. Well, it's his loss, he doesn't get brownies.

Edward's back was towards me so I had to clear my throat to get his attention.

He turned around almost instantaneously with a... book?
Where did he get a ....

Oh shit, is that, no it can't be, can it?
Did he find my journal? I'm so screwed. How did he even find it?

"You ok there Bell?" He asked. Why would he ask me that?
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I replied.
"Uhm... probably because you look like I just told you that I'm preganant." He said.

Pregnant? How the fuck is he pregnant?

"How the fuck are you pregnant?" I asked. He just stood there for a good amount of time before he did the unexpected.

He laughed.

He laughed. Why the hell is laughing?

"Did you... did you seriously ... think I was... I was ... pregnant?" He asked in between laughs.

He is laughing so hard that he is tearing up. Though the sight is quite amusing, how dare he touch private property?

I still cannot believe that he is laughing at a stupid joke. It wasn't even that funny.

"Oh would you shut up!" I exclaimed. Edward was taken aback by my, I wouldn't say request more like order. He was now trying to reregulate his breathing.
"Sorry, it's just so funny." He said.

I tried my utmost best to hold back an eye roll. But alas I couldn't.
"You're not that funny you know." I say while making my way to him.
He fake gasped at my statement. I rolled my eyes once more due to his insipid behaviour.

"How could you, Bell? How could you say such a cruel thing?" He asked placing a hand over his heart. I shook my head at his questioning. I need not answer his questions because it seemed halfhearted.

"Edward, sit down." I ordered him yet again. He obeyed and sat back down on the bed. I handed him his medication and the glass of water and instructed him to consume it.

The journal that he held before was now forgotten. I took the glass that once held water in it and was about to make my way out of my bedroom when Edward asked, "So when do I get my brownies?"

"You haven't even had a proper breakfast yet." I stated simply.
"Ok then. What's for breakfast then?" He asked rising from the bed and making his way to the bedroom door.

Is he always like this? So calm and collected? I thought.
But then my mind jumped back to last nights events.
He practically ran off when he stopped something or possibly someone. But who?

"Hey, Bell?"
"Can I ask you something?" He ask carefully.
"You already did." I reply amused
He let out a little laugh at my reply to him. That's when I realized I haven't answered his previois question as to whats for breakfast.

"Pancakes." I state simply.
"Pancakes...?" He asked unsure.
"Yeah, that's for breakfast." I inform him.
"Oh" He says sounding a bit disappointed.

Because my back was to him I turned so that I could face him. "Do you not like pancakes?" I asked.
"What? No, I love pancakes and maple syrup." He quickly replies.
"Oh" I say simply.

Because today is Saturday I don't have to rush off to class and skip breakfast. Edward and I were not to faraway from the entrance of the kitchen when I heard Skylar and Zara talking.

Talking about Edward.

I immeadiately stopped in my tracks to quietly listen in on their conversation. I know that its wrong but its my apartment, I can do as I please.

"I don't trust him." A voice said which I recgonised as Skylar's.
"Me either, something about him just doesn't seem right." Zara says.

I swear if either if them comes up with some stupid conspiracy theory about Edward, I am going to loose my temper. They know nothimg about Edward, other than the rumors that go around. Come to think of it, neither do I.

Before Skylar and Zara can continue their converstation I stormed into the kitchen. They had shock written all over their faces, which is quite funny. I smirked at that.

Edward then came into the kitchen. He must have heard what the girls said because his head was bowed and shoulders sagging. Which made me pity him.

I took out two plates from the cupboard and placed it on the island in the middle of the kitchen. I put five pancakes in each plate. I went to the pantry and took out a bottle of maple syrup. Skylar and Zara were quiet the whole time.

I gave a plate of pancakes and the maple syrup to Edward. While I put some chopped fruit in a bowl for me. After I was done I made my way to the living room. Edward was a step or two behind falling me.

I sat on the  creme coloured couch. I Edward sat himself down next to me. After a few minutes of awkward silence we were done with our breakfast. Skylar and Zara were finished a long time ago. They left saying they were going to meet up with Antonio and Damon in the mall.

I rose from my place in the couch and gathered the plates, bowl and syrup bottle and made my way to the kitchen once again. I did the dishes and went to my room which had an attached bathroom with a shower, tub, wash basin and a toilet.

I assumed that Edward was still in the living room, probably  watching tv or reading a book, most likely the former. All over my apartment you will find books just lying around. What can I say, I love books.

I took a nice and soothing shower to ease myself of the stress that I know will find a way to creep back in. After a good thirty minutes I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body.


Hello everyone.

I would just like to thank you for the all the reads.
Over a hundred reads. That just seems so surreal to me. I would never have thought that ot would get that many reads.

So, thank you so much. I don't think I can thank you enough.
A special thanks to all of you that has read and voted for my story. It means more than you know.

Again, thank you

Love Ellie

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