Chapter 7

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Edward's pov:

After I had a talk with my mother, I took the keys of my 1967 Pontiac  GTO and went to a bar. It wasn’t that far from the university. I believe that the name of the bar was club fleur.

From what I heard they make the best martini’s, and quite frankly I am in serious need of getting wasted.

I drove for about ten minutes when I finally arrived. I parked the car just a little away from the entrance of the bar.

I walked up to the entrance , when I received a message from a person  that I don’t entirely remember. I unlocked my phone to view the entire message.

It was a message from Stella Greengrass. Beautiful lady, she is. But not as beautiful as Isabella. Stella’s personality is that of a whore. Normally I would not have slept with ladies of her sort, but I suppose that I was so wasted that I actually found her intriguing.

There isn’t much to say about her. She throws herself at every man that is beyond her reach. She is the kind of person that always want things she can’t have. And right now she can’t have me, so she is trying her utmost best to get in bed with me again.

I read the message that stated that she wants to meet up at a bar. I did not bother to reply because I have no interest in her whatsoever. I put my phone in my pocket and finally entered.

It’s not so crowed as I thought it would be but perhaps it’s more full later on in the night. I made my way to the counter intending on ordering a martini. But something, actually more like someone caught my eye.

A beautiful lady in the most concealing of clothes, unlike the other whore that find they’re way into a bar and then into a bed of a random stranger. Something about this girl gave me the feeling that she was somehow distressed.

I made my way to her and sat next to her. She smelt of strawberries and cream. It was the most intoxicating of smells. Her brown hair cascaded down her face, I could hear her sniffling and trying to hold back her sobs.

“I’ll have whatever the lady I having.” I told the bartender. She didn’t bother to look up.                                                                  
“So, what’s a breathtakingly gorgeous, wild yet elegant flower such as yourself doing in a bar alone?” I asked. I knew it was Isabella because, I know this might sound weird, of her scent. I know no one else that smells like strawberries and cream.

“Ugh, What do you want Edward?” she asked with frustration clearly dripping from her voice. I didn’t want it to seem suspicious that I knew it was her all along because if she knew that I knew it was her she will be pissed and find someway to make a fool out of herself in public.

“You again!” I exclaimed.                                                                                 “Yes, me again. Now answer me. What do you want?” she asked. Isabella was clearly furious with me being here.                                                                                                                   “What I want is you, Bell.” I said without realizing what I just said until it was too late. She was furious now. She looked like she will explode any second.                                            
“Excuse me!” She exclaimed. “What do you mean by ‘you want me’. That doesn’t even make sense. And how dare to refer to me as an object that you ‘want’? I will have you know that I am not a thing that you can use for your sexual needs and then discard me like a used tissue. And if you think even for a second that I will succumb to your ‘charms’, then you are gravely mistaken. So, I would very much like it if you could please leave me the fuck alone!” she said in one breathe.

I stared at her completely dumbfounded, trying to process what she just said. I had never imagined that she is this feisty. Out of nowhere I laughed. I laughed so had that I began to tear up out of amusement.

I didn’t realize that she was on  her way out, probably thinking that I’m demented, until I heard the door open. She might’ve thought that I would have made some snippy come back. I put 20 pounds on the counter for the  bartender to take s payment for the drink I didn’t drink yet, I didn’t wait for the change and ran out of the bar at lightning speed.

I needed to find Isabella and apologize for my behavior. And deep down inside I guess I just needed to know if she was fine. From what knowledge I gathered about the female population, is that they hardly ever go to a bar alone, they will always bring their other lady friends.

Or if they are alone in a bar they are seeking attention in other words they want to get laid.
Bell, she just doesn’t seem that kind of girl, that is why I need to find her and find out why she was in a bar alone. Thank goodness she didn’t get far, she was just about to make a right turn when she stopped. She seemed as if she was contemplating her next move. Then she crossed the street and eyed the car that was parked there.

I began to smile a little when I realized that she was looking at my car. I made my way to her and the car. She had a small beautiful smile on her sinful pink lips.

Isabella POV:

After Edward blatantly laughed his ass off at me, I stomped out of there in complete disbelief,  I mean I knew he was a jerk, a pervert, an asshole, a man whore, and so many other things.

I was furious. I just thought that I’ll go to the bar and have a quite night there, downing a couple of drinks. But looks like the universe had other plans. Right now I just need to get as far away from him as possible.

I walked down the street and was just about to take a turn but something caught my eye. A 1967 Pontiac GTO. I have always wanted that car, it is my ultimate favorite, there is no car that can compare to the GTO.  My granddad had one, he said that when I turn 21 that car will be my gift from him.

I walked over to the car that was across the road from where I stood. The car was parked there in all its glory. When I arrived at the car I inspected it and like any normal person marveled at it. I wondered who the owner of the was. The car’s alarm was disarmed by of course the owner.

I turned to see who the owner was. And I figured that Edward was the owner of the car of my dreams by the smirk tugging at his lips.

“Please tell me you are not the owner of this car.” I begged him.                                                                                                          “No can do Bell. This is my car and if you hadn’t figured it out yet, I very much like to brag about this glorious vintage car.” He said. I just stood there not knowing what to say.

“Are you just going to stand there looking like I just told you the earth is flat?” he asked.                                                       “Sorry, it’s just that its my ultimate favorite car of all time.” I said with the need to explain myself to him.                                  “Hey, you don’t need to apologize.” He said taking slow, small steps towards me. I just stood there not knowing what to do, seeing that I have not been in this kind of situation before.               



Hi! *Waves frantically at readers.*
So that's a weap for Chapter 7. How did you like the little insight into Edward's mind?

Anyways, do vote, comment, share. It is much apperiacted my beautiful muggles.

HaHa, you guys are muggles wgereas I am a pureblood. Bow down to me.

Wow, sometimes even I amaze myself with my weirdness.

So, is there any Harry Potter fans out there?  If there is please state your house, patronus, favourite proffessor and spell, and crush.

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