Chapter 12

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Isabella pov:

I caught Edward  off guard when I just hugged him out of the blue. To be honest it also took be by surprise, I did not expect myself to do something so out of line.

But I guess I just needed a hug right now that I didn't care who it was from.

Edward stiffened for a couple of seconds, probably not knowing what to do, but he made a swift recovery and wrapped his arms around me and pulled closer to him so that there was no space between us.

I tightened my grip and stared to cry on his shoulder. I can't believe that I am allowing myself to weak, in front of Edward nonetheless. But for some reason it just feels... right.

Edward began to run his hand up and down my back- not in a weird way-in a comforting way. And it did comfort me.

"Shhh, it's ok" He said in a slight whisper. I didn't say anything. I just subconsciously cuddle closer to him. He didn't resist but instead buried his head into the crook of my neck. His breathe tickled my skin and I let out a little giggle at this.

He then did the most unexpected thing.

He began to kiss the skin below ear. I made no move to push him away or to yell at him and his actions. How could I? It took me by surprise. And to be kind of honest, it felt sort of...good.

He moved to my shoulder and began to place tender kisses on my collarbone.

Why are you not stopping him? The logical part of my brain was practically screaming at me.

He then did something I had not expected. Something that I had not allowed any guy do since two years ago when I was 15.

He bit me, I mean he actually bit me. And some emotion that had probably been dormant for some time now was awaken.

I threw my head back in pure ecstasy to give him more room to do whatever it is that he had planned on doing. I threw all logic and reason out the window and just let myself be consumed in a way I had not been in a long time.

I bit down on my cupids bow and closed my eyes shut. The same time he began to bite just a little bit harder. I couldn’t take it anymore and I let out a moan.

  That’s when I finally realized of what we were doing.

All logic and reasoning came back and hit me full force. I could tell that  Edward was smirking against my skin. He placed gentle kisses on his bite and I won’t lie it felt so damn good.

No one has ever done this to me in a while and now that it had I don’t want it to stop. But it has to, before we both end up doing something we regret.

"Edward, stop." I said as calmly as could without lashing out at him or before I just give up and give in. He let out an oddly sexy grunt. Woah... did I just... no that's impossible... I would never.

"Sorry." He said in a little more than a whisper. I couldn't say anything even if I wanted to,  my brain was somehow still trying to process what had just transpired between us. I am not quite sure whether to just ask him to leave my apartment or just ask him if we could just forget what just happened.

"Uhm, Edward can we just forget this ever happened and start over?" I asked.
"Forget what?" He asked with a smirk. Did he forget or is he just going along with what I had suggested?

"Uh, what just happened." I said raising a questioning eyebrow.
"What happened?" He asked with a grin. Ok so  he is definitely going along with what I had said, I guess.

"Ok, so how about we just go to the a coffee shop or something?" I asked slowly.
"Sure, I don't see why not." Edward said with a shrug.

He rose from his seat on the couch and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. He pulled me towards the door just when I stopped him.

He looked at me with confusion written all over his beautiful features.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked in a panic.
He looks cute when he is panicked.
"Edward, you can't possibly expect me to go out with my bed hair." I said raising an eyebrow.
"Right sorry. You go tame your hair I'll wait here for you." He said with a smile.

This is the first time I have seen him smile. He normally smirks. And I must say he looks much better when he smiles. Though I can't help but notice that the smile did not reach his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at his little joke and turned on my heel and made my way to my room to as he put it 'tame my hair'. I brushed my hair and put it a ponytail.  I checked once again if I looked presentable so that I can go out in public. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I grabbed my phone from my nightstand which was on charge.

I left my room and went to the living room. Edward was standing by a shelf on the east wall looking at a picture. It was a picture of me and my adoptive parents out camping. That was the most fun I had.

I didn't dwell on the memory of my parents so I made my presence known to Edward.

I cleared my throat to receive his attention. He turned his attention to me. He looked at me for a long minute then he just said that we should get going before it starts snowing and or raining.

Edward was in good condition now, so he insisted that he drive us to Café Nero. I know that Café well, I go there everyday before classes start and buy myself a coffee or a latté.

He parked the car not to far from the Café because he wanted to walk. I didn't protest and went along with his suggestion.

For the first few seconds silence surrounded us. I did not know what to say so I just kept my mouth shut not even attempting to start a conversation. Then I caught sight of Stella Henderson.

I hate her so much. No, in fact I loathe her. Not because she has the perfect body or well defined features not even because she can get any guy she wants. I loathe her because she is out to get me ever since I first moved to Westminster. 
This spot was actually the place where I met her. I accidently spilled my coffee on her  Chanel sweater. She went ape shit crazy on me and we exchanged some explicit words and went our ways.

"Not that bitch." I mumbled to myself.
"What was that?" Edward asked looking at me in utter confusion.
"Stella." I simply stated, glaring at her as she approached me and Edward.

"Hey Izzy. How have you been?" The bitch asked. She is faking being nice to me because of Edward. Had Edward not been by my side this very moment she would have done something to provoke me.

I didn't reply to her but instead I made a 90 degree turn and made my way to the café. I did not want to stand here with her being a ray of sunshine when she is actually a tornado that destroys everything that gets in its path.

"Izzy, where are you going?" She asked in her 'angelic' voice. I turned immediately so that I was looking her in the eye when I said my next words, "Oh, I'm just going to hell, wanna come?" I said with a slight shrug.

After I said that I wanted to go a step further so that I could see her reaction as I said, "Oh, I am so sorry, I completely forgot that you're already there." I said with a smug look on my face.

Stella was now furious, I could tell by the look in her eye. It also told me that she wanted to claw my face off. But she kept her composure and she started to speak. "Oh Izzy, you're so funny." She said with a giggle. Why the bloody hell is she so infuriating.

I simply rolled my eyes and turned once again to leave but I was stopped when Edward grabbed my wrist. I looked him in the eye. He silently pleaded with me not to leave him alone with her. So I stayed.

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