Chapter 9

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Isabella's pov

He grabbed my shoulders and I flinched, not because I was scared but because of the heat his hands emitted, he pushed me against the wall that he was leaning on before.

I didn't quite know how to react exactly but I just hope that he does not do something repulsive, like kiss me. That is just wrong in several ways.

But a small, like really small itsy bitsy part of me want him to. I know its wrong and stupid, I barely know the man, however he is not doing anything to help me resist him, if anything he is practically throwing himself on me, and if it was a guy that I actually had feelings for, I would gladly have kissed him, no questions asked.

However this is Edward freaking Knight we are talking about, the son of my university's headmistress, so he is practically off limits, to me anyway, but because he is off limits that only adds to the appeal.
And there I go talking like a sex crazed person.

Just to be clear I am, in the least, a sex crazed person, heck I'm still a virgin. And I am proud of that.

"Fancy coming home with me, Bell?" Edward asked.

Did he just put it out there that he wants to get it on with me.

I have received many invites to... do things, but every one I declined. I am just not like those daft bimbos that will gladly seize an opportunity like that.

"No, not even in the slightest." I whisper in his ear. I duck under his arm and begin to walk away when his arm snakes around my waist.

He pulls me into him and whispers in my ear, "Oh, but Bell, you will be begging me to take you to my room and do things that will have you scream my name."

That indeed sent a shiver down my spine.

He turns me around so that I am facing him. His face is hidden partially in the shadows of the night.

I am in no mood for such games. In fact hate games that involve girls being vulnerable in such situations.

After what happened on my 16th birthday I have vowed to myself, never to fall for a guy who seems too good to be true. That situation made me who I am today to a certain extent.

And don't ever think that in will ever fall a guys so called of charms.

I will not be hurt again.

"Edward, let go me and I am not asking." I say.
He, surprisingly, instantly lets go of me.

"Come on, I'll take you home." His voice breaks in the middle of the sentence. He does look a bit off, a bit sick I suppose.

He wobbles on his feet slightly. He is about to fall when I instinctively catch him.

I drag him the his car and demand for the keys. I place him the passenger seat and make my way to the drivers side. Before putting the keys in the ignition I check to see if he has a fever.

Which he does. Bloody hell he's burning up.  He is definitely coming down with something.

"Edward we need to get you to a doctor." I say, genuinely concerned. No matter how much of a prick he might be he doesn't deserves me abandoning him when he is sick.

"No, just take me to your place. I don't need a doctor." He says.
"Just take me to your place and I'll be fine. Please."

I sigh.
"Ok." Is all I say. I start the car and drive back to my apartment.


"But I'm fine." Edward said trying to convince me that he is 'fine', when we both know that is indeed not fine.

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