Red Solo Cups

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*Jaedens POV*

"I'm not going."

"Yes you are. Cmon our school never has dances and everyone's gonna be there." Wyatt tried convincing me.

I absolutely hated dances. They're never really even dances it's just horny teens falling drunk all over each other. So, no thanks.

"Really Wyatt, I'm good. I'd honestly rather just stay inside and like, watch TV and h-hang out." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Dude you're such a buzzkill. Cmon just come with meeee!" He pleaded.

   "For the last time, NO. N! O! Okay! I'm not going, alright?"

   ...I ended up going. I wasn't happy about it though. All they played was music you'd hear in clubs and when they had finally played a slow song, Wyatt left me to go dance with a tiny blond girl that asked him. Even after the song was over he hadn't come back so I decided to do what any disappointed teenager would do, I drank.

   I went out back where all the underage drinking happened and was immediately handed a red solo cup. I had never drank before but I did and it wasn't horrible, but I didn't understand why I was disappointed in the first place. Wyatt was my best friend and I should've been happy for him. But I wasn't and I actually had no clue why. I sat cross-legged against the school wall when another kid sat beside me.

   "So... what brings you out here?" She asked me. I just shrugged.

   "Girl troubles?" She asked. I huffed out a big sigh and leaned my head against the wall.

   "Boy troubles?" I looked at her, confused but thought about the concept.

    "Did you get stood up?"

   "No." I finally said, "I came with my friend."

   "Friend?" She mocked my speech.

   "Uh, yeah. My friend." I mimicked her tone.

   "Dude you're blushiiiiing! Cmon. Listen I don't even know you and I can tell you that this dude probably isn't your friend." She used her hands for quotation marks as she said 'friend'. "So unless there's something else happening, you're probs gay, bro."

   The girl was obviously drunk. But I wondered if she was right... she couldn't have been. Was I going to believe a highly intoxicated 16 year old? Maybe...

I mean, I liked girls. But I had gotten the same feelings for boys before but brushed it off as nothing. My eyes went wide as I realized what the hell was happening. I took one more large sip of my drink, and cringed before I ran inside.

   I went back into the gym and Wyatt was no where to be seen. I was startled when I felt two hands grip my waist from behind.

   "Holy shit! Jesus Christ Wyatt. What are you- where's that girl?" I looked around but not really even wanting to know where she was. I smiled more than I probably should have.

   "Jaeden that doesn't matter. I just- I left her." Wyatt said smiling as well.

   "Woah wait why?" I said surprised. He seemed like he kinda liked her when she asked Wyatt to dance.

   "I just- I- well... I wanted to come see you. I shouldn't have left you, really, I didn't even like her anyways. She was totally drunk and just wanted to fuck and I don't even like girls so oh well." Wyatt shrugged.

   "Oh." I said casually until I processed what he said. "OH? Dude why didn't you tell me?" I was so excited now. I thought now I'd have a chance with him. Then I immediately thought about how 5 minutes before he was only my friend and now I felt like I was in love. I was so confused but I knew I had to move on.

   "Well I-" He was interrupted by the DJ practically yelling into his microphone. "Alright alright alright you guys the night is coming close to an end but here's one last slow song for all you love birds out there."

    I cringed at the DJ's over dramatic tone. When I looked back to Wyatt. He was blushing and hiding an obvious smile.

   "Are you okay?" I said.

   "Yeah. You're my best friend right?"

   There's that word again. Friend. By that point, I was slowly starting to hate it.

    "We've only known each other for like ever so yes I-I would say so."

   "So it wouldn't be weird if we uhm, danced together would it?" All I thought after Wyatt said this was please!

   "Not at all." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the middle of the floor. I put my arms around his neck and Wyatt put his hands around my waist. We were getting stares and we heard whispers from other people. I could tell Wyatt didn't like that...

   "Hey, look at me." I lifted his head with my finger. "It's ok. We're fine."

   We danced lightly to the song and I fell more and more in love. I think he was too.

I will love you
For all of your days

   We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I looked in his chocolate brown eyes and saw something I'd never seen before. And they sparkled more than usual.

I'll kiss you
In so many ways

    I played with his hair. It was pretty soft. I was focused on his features until I realized he was staring at me. He was looking me in the eyes.

I'll be your stars
You'll be my little moon

     I felt his hand graze upon my cheek. We stopped moving as the song was almost to the end. My heart started beating faster when we both started leaning in. I was scared. But I was sure I would probably enjoy it.

I'll be your stars
And you'll be my little moon

   Our lips touched. For a long moment. We both smiled into the kiss and fell more and more in love. As we pulled away and I leaned my forehead on his, I opened my eyes and glanced to the side and saw the girl from earlier sitting against the wall.

   She watched people dancing with a blank face.While holding in her hand, a red solo cup.

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