Nothing Ever Better

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Mike sat in the very back with Ben, playing guitar softly. Richie, Eddie and Beverly sat in the spots in front of them. Beverly kept talking about how cute Richie and Eddie were while the two held hands and occasionally kissed. In the drivers seat sat Stan, who's birthday it was that day. 17 years old. Then, finally, right beside the birthday boy was Bill. Who kept looking at Stan every 5-10 minutes and some of the times would stare lovingly.
Don't worry, this wasn't one of those cheesy times where a group of misfit best-friends are driving on the outskirts of town on their way to nowhere. They happen to know exactly where they were going...
Stan caught Bill staring every so often and chuckled softly, admiring the attention. He knew that he would've stared at Bill, too, if Bill was the one driving.
The point of this, anyways, was that they were friends. They enjoyed times together. They did do stupid things like go on pointless drives with their arms out the windows. They had sleepovers and talked about stupid shit. They went to parks and played around. They were friends until they grew old and apart.
In the end, Richie and Eddie came apart but later in the future met again and never got married, but definitely stayed together for the rest of their lives. Bev eventually met a kind man who didn't resemble her father at all and treated her like the queen she was. Mike met a beautiful women and moved out of town. They started a family together and lived happily ever after. Ben also met a nice women who loved him for who he was and he felt the same way about her. Bill and Stan seemed different.
They were never "dating". They were never "married". But together, nothing was ever better.

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