Coloured Coma

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   When you touch your true love, you see colours. Until then, you only see things in bland, plain, black and white. Some people get so worked up over their colours, and they get so impatient to find true love that they would go absolutely mad over it. As an example: Bill Denbrough.
He wanted it so bad. He was never really going to go mad, but it really felt like he would. Ever since his mom had told him about the colours, he explored more. He went outside, went for walks, stared at things for the longest time in silence, wondering what colours they would be. Blue... Red... Pink... Yellow... Orange... Purple... They all sounded beautiful.
The total opposite of Bill: Stanley Uris. He didn't care. Black and white was something he had somewhat admired. Life wasn't a party to him. No true love was going to make life a perfect little scene, what Stan thought was that he had to only make it through life. Colours? Who cares. Even so, no one had ever really explained colours to him.
Stan didn't care about anything as a matter of fact. He wasn't a huge fan of his family life, school, or anything.

   One day, he was on his way to a gas stop. It was usually busy (as busy as a gas stop could get) so he could easily steal from there. This time would be different. He was really hungry but didn't have any money.
Stan tried to hide food under his shirt, jacket and in his pants. As he casually walked out the door, a man grabbed his upper arm.
"Whatcha got there?" Stan had never been caught before. He was terrified. He was a confident rebellious kid until things go wrong.
"N-n-nothing." He cringed at his stutter.
"Empty your pockets, now please." The tall and scary man said. Stan didn't know what to do, even though the man just told him.
So he ran.
He ran as fast as he could down the sidewalk. As he gained speed, he turned around to see if anyone was chasing him, but he lost his train of thought when he bumped into someone head on. He blacked out. And so did the other person.
Stan woke only a moment later, rubbing his head. He opened his eyes and was astonished. He saw colours. Actual colours. To his own surprise, he smiled for the first time in a while, actually). He looked at the person lying on the ground in front of him with a bloody nose. Red. And what seemed like a huge bruise on temple. Purple. It was a boy. He must've hit his head on the streetlight pole as he fell to the ground. Stan worried the boy would be badly hurt.
Either way, he wondered how his soulmate could be a boy. He was under the impression he liked girls. Maybe he had touched someone else while running... Stan decided not to question it, he called 911 and the police took the boy and Stan to the hospital.

*In the hospital room*

"I don't believe he'll be waking up anytime soon." Stan was sitting in a chair beside the boys hospital bed. He didn't even know his name. Potentially his soulmate, and he didn't know his name. The doctors identified him and his family was apparently out of town when they called.
Stan grabbed the boys hand and squeezed, it almost seemed like the colours intensified in the slightest way. Although there was no squeeze back, Stan felt butterflies and immediately accepted that this was definitely his soulmate.
"Shit," he scoffed sadly. "I'm sorry... You're my soulmate. I don't think putting you in a coma was a good first impression. But I think this is my last..." Stan was almost about to cry as he whispered to the motionless boy.
"Please, uh, call me if... anything happens." He said to the doctor as he walked out of the hospital. Stan didn't expect to hear anything, ever again. He took a bus, back to where he left his car at the gas station. Stan looked for his car.

   "Green?" Green specifically, for some reason, wasn't was he imagined it would be. He looked at the other cars around him, immediately realizing that green apparently wasn't a popular car colour.

*6 months later*

The colours never went away. The boy was still alive. So the moment Stan's phone rang with the hospitals number on the front, his heart dropped. There hasn't been a day that'd gone by that he hadn't thought of the boy. The only thing that happened though was that he found out his name. It was Bill Denbrough.
His family had told him his name the last time he visited Bill 4 months before. He stopped visiting after that. He couldn't bear to see his soulmate like that even if he's never even talked to him.
Stan ran to the phone and as promised, the hospital called with news that a coma patient named Bill Denbrough was stirring, and had woken up, amazed as to what he could see.
At the hospital, Stan ran in. Bill immediately knew who he was, without question.
"I see... c-colours." Bill smiled.
"Me too, me too."
"It's- It's beautiful." Bill sighed, Stan nodded in agreement.
    The two stared at each other astonished at the others gorgeousness.

A/N: Ok sorry I take so long to update but I mean 300 reads damn

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