A/N: Thank you <3

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Hey guys!

It's been almost a year since I've published anything on this story! Even with no new stories being published, reads and votes have still been going up which is cool to see, aha.

I do want to thank you for the attention and all the comments and stuff because I love reading them and talking with you guys. The last time I was even on Wattpad, this book had about 21k reads I think which is already amazing but it's gone up like 6k since then, that's super cool!

I'll definitely leave this book up for you to enjoy if that's something you want to do! Though I won't be publishing anything more to this story. :)

Thanks for reading!!


Edit (Jan 12, 2022) : reading some of these stories again is kinda embarrassing girl bye thanks for liking it tho😭✋

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