The "L" Word

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Jaeden and Wyatt had been dating for a little while now and haven't said "I love you" yet. Wyatt was completely ready too and he was sure he loved Jaeden, but Jaeden had always been a cautious person and was hesitant. But Wyatt knew what he wanted, and he was really to say the "L" word.

Wyatt had a plan to take Jaeden to the field where they had first met when they were younger. It wasn't a very exciting story... both boys were there with their parents, playing. Met each other and were close ever since.

Wyatt wanted it to be a bit late that night so no one else would be there to bother them.

On the planned night, Wyatt invited Jaeden over to his house. The two sat on Wyatt's bed, just on their phones until one spoke up.

"Jae?" Wyatt questioned.

"Mhm?" Jaeden replied not looking up from his phone.

"Wanna go to the park down the street?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm it's like 11 o'clock there's no way your parents aren't going to let us out." Jaeden shook his head.

"Who said we need to tell them?" Wyatt winked playfully. And headed towards the window. Jaeden laughed confusedly at Wyatt winking as he got up to join his boyfriend at the window.

"What if they come to check on us, though?" Jaeden questioned.

"Are you kidding? My parents are sleeping. Plus my mom is working nights this week so she could even be gone already."

"Whatever. Fine."

The two boys climbed out of Wyatt's window that was close enough to the ground that they could just jump from it. The place that they were going was close in the neighbourhood so they just walked leisurely.

As they walked off the driveway, Jaeden locked their hands together and intertwined their fingers. Wyatt and Jaeden looked at each other, red-faced and in love. But only one aware of the love that ran through their stares.

They arrived in the open field outlined with trees and forest. It was completely dark other than the light from the moon, streetlights and lantern that sat on a bench. Wyatt let go of Jaeden and took the small lamp. As he turned around, the light from the thing he held shone on Jaeden's face gorgeously as Jaeden smiled at his boyfriend he admired.

"Follow me, beautiful." Wyatt winked again and sped up his pace down a trail in the trees.

"Ugh, what is it with you and this winking?" Jaeden joked as he jogged towards his boyfriend.

There was a smaller opening far into the forest. Wyatt stood in the middle and Jaeden joined shortly after Wyatt.

Wyatt took Jaeden's hands and looked in his eyes.

"Listen to me. Can you do that?" Jaeden nodded.

"Alright, I think you're beautiful. You're amazing and the best boyfriend I could ever have. Jae, I know you don't want the say the "L" word yet. But babe I know what I want and really, all I want is you. I don't know what the future holds but right now, you're the only one on my mind and my prediction would be that I will not change my mind. Jaeden Lieberher. I love you." Wyatt intertwines their finger and smiled.

Jaeden stayed quiet for what seemed like forever before Wyatt told him to say something or he may go insane. All Jaeden did was cup his boyfriends face and lean their foreheads against each other before kissing him. Rather softly, but still passionate and strong. It lasted quite a while, maybe 30 seconds.

Wyatt's eyes were only wide full of shock because they had never kissed each other before.

"Wyatt Oleff. I love you too." Jaeden said in the same tone as Wyatt. The two smiled and kissed once more. This time neither boy wanting to break the connection. Physical though. Their emotional connection could never break.

They used the "L" word quite often after that.

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