My, my, my

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"Wanna w- watch a movie?" Bill asked.

"No." Stanley replied.

"Wanna go t-to the m-mall?" Stan shook his head.

"Do y-you wanna play a game?"

Stan looked at Bill, "Nope. Absolutely not. Don't want to."

"Ok then what d-do we do?"

   Stan shrugged.

"Can w-we just talk?"

"I don't know. We're talking right now." Bill rolled his eyes.

"Do you... love me?" Bill said after a moment.

"What?" Stan said unfazed.

"I said d-do you love me?"

"We're together of course I do." Stan said without a care, then looked at his phone.

"You've never said."

"Ok, what?" Stan suddenly got a little irritated, but Bill didn't understand why.

"You've nev-ver said the words I love you." Bill started to get sadder and sadder.

"I love you." Stan grabbed Bills shoulders seeing he was sad.

Bill stared in Stan's eyes. Searching for something. Truth. They had never said I love you and now that Stan finally said it, Bill still felt nothing. He's never felt anything while being with Stan. And looking in Stan's eyes, he could see that Stan didn't feel anything either. But the thing is, Bill wanted something like this so bad that he went along with it.

"Skinny love." He would've whispered and explained to Stan that he could see neither of them really loved each other. They just wished they would. Bill would have broken up with Stan. Bill would have found another person. Girl or boy. Stan would've tried to talk Bill into staying with him, when in reality both boys wouldn't have been too hurt.  They would've been happier and it would be easier with other people. But it's too much work and they needed to feel some sort of affection. Even if it was fake. So... instead what happened was...

"Okay. I love you too." Bill smiled.

"Good." Stan smiled back. "I think I'll take that movie offer now."

So they went. Held hands. Stan payed like a good boyfriend. Bill maybe kissed Stan's cheek a few times and vice versa. They did normal couple things. But the entire thing was lacking something... feeling.


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