Why her?

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   The losers had just defeated Pennywise and had made a promise that if It ever came back, so would they. Everyone had left already and it was just Bill and Beverly.

Beverly was going to get ready to move away, she up and left from beside Bill. Bill didn't know what came over him, but he ran up to Bev and kissed her as she was walking away. He thought that since she was moving away though, no harm done to either of them.

   Meanwhile, Stan was on his way back to where all the Losers made their pact, because on his way home he thought about how they'd literally almost died saving each other and he may have never been able to tell Bill how he really felt towards him. He was having an existential crisis basically and saw no point in waiting any longer.

   Stan assumed everyone would probably be gone by then. But kept his hopes up. But when he arrived back he saw something he'd never wanted to see as his hopes were quickly diminished. His best friend and another friend of his were sharing a kiss. His heart sank so low he felt like it would reach the ground. The two pulled away from the kiss and after what felt like forever to Stan, Beverly finally left.

   Bill turned around, smiling. But his mood changed when he thought his eyes were tricking him. He swore he saw his best friend of many years, who had left more than 20 minutes ago, walk away through the trees.

"Why did he come back?" Bill thought to himself. He wondered why he was worried if Stan had saw him and Beverly just under a minute ago. Questions like these floated around Bills mind. He decided to go after the person he assumed to be Stan.

Stan's pace sped up as he heard a shuffling sound come from behind him. Bill confirmed his belief that it indeed was Stan and tried catching up to him.

"Stan?" He started jogging.

So did the other boy, regretting coming back to Bill.

"S-Stan!" Bill shouted once more.

Stan felt that tears were near, and wanted to leave before Bill saw him crying.

"St-Stanley! Stop, please!" Bill shouted as Stan started to wipe away his tears and slow down, knowing he didn't have the strength to run much farther.

"Stan, what- what are you doing?"

Stan sighed, "It's- nothing. I just..." He looked Bill in the eyes.

"I uh, lost my keys. Just looking for them." Stan continued.

"I've known you f-for almost your whole life. I-I know when you're lying. What's going on and why d-do you look like you've been crying?"

Stan didn't answer.

"Was there... something you wanted t-to tell me? Ask me?"

Just walk away, you can't do this, Stan thought. "Yes." YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT!

"Al-Alright. Well?"

"Why her?"

"What?" Bill asked, shocked.

Stan was thinking he'd ruined this entire friendship. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, not unlike how Pennywise was going to. He sighed again. Screw it.

"You heard me, Denbrough. Why her?"

"Who? Bev?" Inquired Bill.

Stan nodded.

"You saw me kiss her?"

Stan nodded again.

"What's th-the problem?" Bill said defensively.

"My problem is that-" Stan cut himself off to give himself a second thought before sighing. "You're such an idiot."

"W-what?" Bill said shocked.

"You're. An. Idiot, Bill Denbrough. I thought that maybe I was at least a little obvious. I even thought maybe you felt the same," Bill was beginning to understand. "But apparently you're much stupider than I thought you were."

"I'm not sure 'stupider' is a word, Stan." Bill grinned.

"Ugh, my god. I hate you. But I also maybe love you. I thought you knew but apparently you're actually that oblivious."

Bill wasn't taking any offence to this. He actually found it quite hilarious.

   "What the hell are you laughing at?" Stan said as he stomped his foot and crossed his arms.

   "Y-you're cute when you're a-a-angry." Bill said bluntly.

   "What do you mean "you're cute"? You don't even like me." Stan frowned.

   "I mean you're f-fucking adorable when you try to be intimidating. And I never once said how I felt, during this conversation." Bill smiled again.

   Stan blushed fiercely. He gradually started to feel worse about getting mad at Bill, but his anger wasn't completely gone.

   "Don't call me cute, Denbrough."

   "Really, Stan? You sound like Eddie t-t-to Richie." Stan rolled his eyes at Bill's annoying comment.

   "We're nothing like them. I actually said how I felt. They're oblivious." Stan roles his eyes, thinking about his two gay ass friends.

"You say oblivious a l-lot." Bill observed.

Stan sighed in irritancy. "Anyways, I didn't feel like being killed and eaten by a clown before telling you. But I'll probably regret it either way." Stan said the last part quietly.

   "Im pretty much in love w-with you too, you know." Bill grabbed Stan's hand and pulled him closer, intertwining their fingers.

   Stan hummed, "Really?"

   "Yeah, s-stupid. Really." They both leaned their foreheads against each other's. They both knew what they wanted. Stan grabbed Bills other hand and intertwined their fingers there too.


   "What, Uris?" Bill said with a smile you could hear.

   "Can I kiss you?" Both boys were flushed red.

   "M-man am I getting a-action today."

   "Shut up, already." Stan released Bills hands and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him closer to his own face. Their lips moved together. They fit. Better than Bill and Beverly's. They both pulled away only after a couple seconds.

   "I hate you." Stan laughed, imitating himself from earlier.

   "I hate you too."

A/N: HOLY SHIT ITS BEEN A LONG TIME!!! I mean thanks for what like 1k reads like that's pretty cool!!!!💞💞💞💖💖

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