The 1975 tickets

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*This isn't a really interesting chapter but hopefully you like it

I had finally gotten to our hotel and was about to check in. Amber said she had finally landed so she would get an Uber and head over soon. I was so excited to meet GH! I was walking into the lobby and immediately saw Fiore and Serena sitting on a couch talking. I was about to walk towards them when Brendon came up behind me and jump scared me.
Brendon- Omg stop yelling violet
Violet- Brendon.... never do that again
Brendon- Okkkk... "Wink Wink"
Violet- "Hugs Brendon" I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!!!
Brendon- Your squishing me!
Violet- Brendonnnn! "Pouts"
Brendon-Aww just kidding I'm really happy to see you
Violet- Yay!
"Fiore and Serena walk up"
Fiore- OMG Violet and Brendon!!!!!! "Hugs Violet and Brendon"
Violet- Hey Fiore!
Brendon- Omg now your squeezing both of us
"Serena joins the hug"
Serena- Hiiiii guys

I couldn't believe I was finally meeting them for the first time but we really needed to check in to the hotel room.
"In the elevator"
Violet- So Fiore....
Fiore- What?
Violet- Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies?
Luckily the elevator door opened so I could run away before she tried to fight me.
I ran up to the hotel room to see a little card hanging on the door nob.
Hello, I'm happy to inform you that you get five FREE! Tickets to a The 1975 Concert near you!
Pick up your tickets at the front desk tomorrow morning, and enjoy!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.....
FREE The 1975 tickets!!!!
I had to text Jeydon

Violet- Hey! You won't believe what just happened to me.
Jeydon- What!?
Violet- I just found a token for FREE The 1975 tickets!
Jeydon- Really! where?
Violet- On my hotel door!
Jeydon- That's awesome , I'm going to that concert too with OWA! Maybe we could meet up before hand?
Violet- I'd love too!
This was officially the best day of my life.
-First I met Jeydon Wale
-Then I met GH
-And NOW I'm getting tickets to a FREE The 1975 Concert....
Fiore- What are you reading? You look really excited?!
Violet- Look!
Fiore- OMG is this real?!
Violet- Seems Legit and guess what!?
Fiore- What?
Violet- Jeydon texted me and said we should meet up for dinner before hand!!
Fiore- AHHH I can't believe I'm going to meet him.... are the rest of OWA coming?
Violet- Yea

The concert was for tomorrow night and we still hadn't unpacked so we all headed in to the room.
                       -Time Skip(30 Minutes)-
"Amber enters hotel room"
Violet- Amber!!!!!!
Fiore-Hey Amber!!!!!!!
Serene- Hi amber!
Brendon- Hiiiii
"Group Hug"

Everyone  unpacked and chose where we were gonna sleep. Apparently Fiore, Serena, and Me were gonna have to sleep on the floor because Amber and Brendon "got dibs" on the beds .
There was a couch bed as well so Serena ended up moving her stuff there and claiming it so me and Fiore were left with the two mattresses the hotel had set up. We all snuggled up and decided to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas for a bit before we all fell asleep in a pile covered with fluffy blankets.

*Finally uploading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and leave a comment if you have a idea for later on!

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