Double Date

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My first day out of the hospital.

Fiore was really set on going to Disney land but i was kinda suspicious seeing and id never seen her this pushy about going somewhere like this. We left her apartment around 9:00 AM and got to the park pretty quickly. We had bought flash passes for the week which meant we could actually go on the rides without much of  line. 


"uh ok?" i said running ahead to the entrance.

Fiore seemed really anxious as we walked over to get coffee at the nearby Starbucks.

"Hey are you ok?' i asked as i pushed the door open.

"Mmm yea!......" Fiore said nervously

It only took a moment to realize why she was anxious.


I ran straight towards Awsten and gave him a bear hug.

"Well..... I thought that you might like to go on a double date with Maxx and I..." Fiore said finally looking at ease.

Everyone went straight over to space mountain and as we were waiting to get on Awsten started to get nervous. I tried to calm him down but he just smiled and said he was fine.

He was fine after the ride but after that i didint make him go on any roller coasters.

Fiore and Maxx were getting along really well so Awsten and i went on the ferris wheel while they got more coffee (This is me shouting out Fiore's dangerous caffeine addiction someone please stop her thanks bye)  

Quick side note - I have a fear of heights and apparently so does Awsten so this is literally us freaking out and bonding over our fear.

" This better not break down" i said shaking a little.

The darker it got the colder it got and i had given my hoodie to Fiore who had forgotten hers. As we got onto the ride apparently i was shivering enough that Awsten noticed.

"Here take my jacket" He said taking of and handing me his black parka

"Aww thanks are you sure?" i laughed shakily

"Of course! i'm wearing a sweater anyway" He said giving me a quick hug

I soon realized he was just has scared as i am but all fear left when we saw how pretty the sunset was. After a few seconds i realized Awsten was holding my hand.

I could have been more awkward but as i looked back i saw Maxx and Fiore standing outside with Fiore leaning her head on Maxx's shoulder. 


"What?" Awsten said

"Look behind you" I said giggled

"OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE" Awsten said in Awe

The rest of the night consisted of us riding a couple more rides and finally eating dinner at a 24 hour diner. Fiore and i drove back to the apartment only listening to Set It Off and Waterparks and singing every word.

When we got home we made coffee (Yes more coffee) and fangirled for a hour before passing out on the couch.



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