Disney Land

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I woke up with a headache making it hard to sit up. I finally sat up and opened my eyes to see lots of Taco Bell wrappers all of the floor and a couple energy drinks scattered about. Only Serena was awake so i joined her on the couch to scroll through twitter.

Apparently there were already a couple posts and videos about my performance the day before with Awsten. It had definitely helped my popularity but i didn't really care how many followers i had anymore. Who needs followers when your friends with Awsten Knight and Jeydon Wale? I checked my messages and saw that Jake had invited us to go to disney with him and OWA. I told him we would love to come and that we would meet him at 1:00 P.M. 

I told Serena to get ready and wake the others while i went to get some coffee. Im pretty sure the second Fiore woke she teleported to the coffee machine but i was to lazy to yell at her. I chose a some Black shorts, a gray tank top, and a plum plaid shirt. I also grabbed my favorite red high topped vans because i wanted to be comfy.  Everyone was finally ready so we walked down to the lobby and called an Uber. We would meet OWA inside the park and choose which rides to go on first when we got there. 

We finally arrived and walked to the Main Street U.S.A. area and saw Jake waving us over. They wanted to go to Adventure Land and see the Indiana jones adventure ride. I tried not to bump into the many kids in Princess dresses but it was hard when we were a pretty big group and there were thousands of kids. I saw a boy in a Spiderman costume and pointed him out to Jey. Jeydon walked over to the kid and complimented his Costume but the kid was really shy and ran behind his mom. We went on a few rides in adventure-land then moved on to the Astro Orbiter in Tomorrow Land and Im pretty sure i nearly killed Brendon by digging my fingernails into his shoulder in fear of falling off. I begged everyone to go on a roller coaster with me so we chose to go on the "Silver Bullet'.  On the way to the ride we bumped into Awsten , Geoff ,and Otto who were apparently spending their last day in L.A. at Disneyland.

I pressured Awsten to ride the rollercoaster with us while Geoff and Otto got something to eat. I remembered Awsten saying in a interview that he would only go on rollercoasters if a pretty girl was pressuring him. I don't think of myself as pretty but it worked anyway and he agreed.

It was 5:00 when we left so we Said goodbye to waterparks went to Chipotle for burritos. It only hit me then that i only had one more week till i had to go home. I couldn't stay in L.A. living in my dream world forever. 

We went home and I played Mario Kart with Brendon till 4:00 A.M. Before Falling Asleep on the couch with my Nintendo Switch controller.

*Hope you enjoyed!

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