The Channel

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While we stayed in LA we had been filming skits, vlogs, covers, etc but we hadn't really checked how many subs we had or if anyone was going to meet us at Warped which was tomorrow. When i checked our Sub count i saw we had just hit 100,000 subs! Plus after we posted a video saying we would be at warped tour we had gotten a ton of comments saying they would try to meet up with us.

-Time = 9:00-

I had been listening to waterparks a-lot recently so i was planning to film a Acoustic Cover of 21 Questions. I posted a poll on twitter asking if anyone would like to see a Waterparks cover on DH and immediately after i tweeted the poll out we had 200 people commenting , liking , and retweeting the poll not to mention voting. After a couple hours i checked the poll and saw 99.9 percent of the voters wanted me to do a Waterparks cover.

I saw that Jeydon had commented on the poll

wtfjeydon- I cant wait for the cover! If you need help editing then feel free to ask me.

I tweeted him back saying thanks and i would call him if i needed help and decided i should probably go to bed before Brendon invited me to play late night Mario Kart again.

I woke up to Serena having a SWS dance party with Fiore. I could barely get up after tossing and turning all night not able to sleep. I managed to get up and walk to the kitchen to get some coffee. By the time i had filled my coffee cup and sat down on one of the beds Amber yelled at me to come over to her laptop. "Violet! come over NOW" i walked over to her and saw that right under my poll Awsten Knight from Waterparks had commented asking if i wanted to play 21 Questions with him live when Warped Tour came to LA. I grabbed ambers laptop and immediately tweeted him back saying id love to and that he should probably watch my cover before he invited me and that i would upload the video soon and DM him.

*Sry this chapter is really short but i haven't had that many ideas for this lately so its been hard to write

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