Another Plane flight

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i spent a month with Fiore recovering from the car crash and decided to visit Serena in what she calls the  "Bipolar State" of Utah. 

Fiore and I went to Hot Topic to buy some new clothes (Aka merch lmao) and came out with way to many shirts and chokers and just basically everything in the store.

I packed all of my stuff and got ready to go to Starbucks with Fiore (Because what else would we do lmao). We sat and talked about when i would come back to visit and whether it would be before or after the Waterparks tour. 

We decided i would leave the tour when it got to California  and stay with Fiore for a month or so.

                                              -Time skip brought to you by Arizona Tea-

I picked up my Backpack from the floor of the car and stepped onto the sidewalk. There was no way i was crossing any roads anytime soon so we parked as close to the entrance as possible.

Fiore and i hugged for what seemed like an eternity before we broke of and i walked over to security. 


                                       -Time skip brought to you by airport security-

(Sorry for all of the time skips but you probably know what airport security is like)

I walked over to the Starbucks (Yes another) closest to my gate and got a venti mocha frappachino. I walked over to my gate and waited in line to board the plane. After 20 minutes of slowly moving forward i got to my seat and (As you probably guessed) sat down.

I guess i have amazing luck on plane flights because 5 minutes later Geoff Wingington (Waterparks Guitarist) sat down next to me. 



"What are you doing in L.A.? I thought you were in Houston working on music?"

"Apparently not seeing as i had to fly here to make sure this person comes home" Geoff said pointing across the aisle.


'omg please dont call me that" Awsten laughed 


I fell asleep listening to Awsten and Geoff whispering.

                                           -Time skip brought to you by sleep-

"Wake up! we landed"

"Mmmm" i mumbled opening my eyes to see Geoff tapping my shoulder.

I got all of my stuff together while looking out of the window. It was extremely rainy which made the airport look foggy and slightly creepy. I looked at my phone to see a text from Serena saying she was waiting in the luggage pickup area.

I exited the plane before giving Geoff and Awsten a quick hug.

They still had one more flight to get to Houston so i wanted to make sure they weren't late.

"Bye Aws"

"Bye Vi"

"Did you just call me vi?"

"Did you just call me aws?" Awsten said sarcastically.

"UGHHHH" i said giving Awsten one last hug before heading to the exit.



Sry this chapter is kinda short but ill try to make the next one longer seeing this is more of a filler chapter. I hope you liked it!

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