Concerts and Stuff

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*im so sorry about how late this is coming out but ive been on vacation and only got back recently. i promise to upload regularly soon

I woke up with Fiore cuddled up next me, Brendon right next to us lying in front of the TV , and Serena on Fiore and I's feet. I looked up to see amber asleep on her bed. I still don't know how she got there with out waking us up since we all fell asleep in a pile but I'm to lazy to ask. I tried to move Fiore but then remembered the time she told me she punched people who woke her up so I just inched over to my phone and brought up Twitter trying not to wake her. Suddenly I saw a text from Jeydon at the top of the screen. I clicked on the message and just about screamed out of joy.

Jeydon- Hey i was wondering..... do you want to hang out before the concert today? We could go to lunch and go shopping or something? I really want to see you and meet your friends.
"Jeydon wants to meet me wtf"
Violet- Yeah! Sure we could go to the mall and get lunch there?
Jeydon- Sounds good! What time?
Violet- 12:00?
Jeydon- Yea! See you there

I heard Fiore stir so I looked over to her glaring at me half-asleep.
Violet- Why are you glaring at me?
Fiore- I have no idea... can I go back to sleep?
Violet- omg no... no you can't
Fiore-why though
Violet- Cus you can't and that's that
Fiore- Huh "Glares even more"                                                                                                                                       

We woke Serena , Brendon, and Amber up then got dressed to go meet Jeydon at the nearby mall.
We didint have to go far so we just walked. I saw Hot Topic in the distance and I don't think ive ever ran that fast again.
As I ran up I saw a familiar beanie in the distance.
Violet- Jeydon!
Serena- Omg is that really him?!
Fiore- Jey!!!
Brendon- Omg it's my Twin!
Amber- Hey Jey!!
Jeydon- Hi!

We got on really well and the mall trip went really well. I got some black boots and a SWS band shirt from Hot Topic and everyone decided we should go to lunch.We met a couple  of Jeydons fans on the way to lunch and ended up getting Chipotle.
Sadly we had to part ways with Jey but promised to meet up at the concert that night.

             -Time Skip (Nearly Concert time)-
We had picked up the tickets on the way back from the mall and we're now In a enormous Uber heading to the venue.
Jeydon had texted saying we could meet at the entrance right after the ticket collector booths.

I was so excited! i was about to see one of my favorite bands with my favorite people in the whole world.

       -Time Skip (Concert)-

The 1975 Set List


-The Sound

-Love Me




-Somebody Else


*Find these songs live on youtube if you want to see the concert

                 -Time Skip ( After Concert)-

We had just got home from the concert and i was shakey for two reasons

First i had drunk about 7 cups of coffee that day and second jeydon wale put his hand on my knee during the concert. i  haven't been this happy in years.

*I hope you enjoyed the chapter! sorry again for it being so late  

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