Last Day in L.A.

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I woke up and immediately checked my phone to see what time it was. It was still dark outside so i guess i hadn't been asleep for that long. I had gone to the LANY concert last night with Quinn and a few of her friends and hadn't gotten home till around 1:00. I can see why i was so tired seeing as when i checked my phone it was only 5:00 . I was definitely not going to be able to go back to sleep so i got up and walked to our mini hotel kitchen. I grabbed a hot chocolate packet and started heating some water.  Once the water was hot enough i added the chocolate and boom... crappy hotel hot chocolate.  I went over to the window and looked outside. The lights of the city were to bright so there were no stars but you could see a tiny sliver of the ocean on the horizon.

Behind me i heard someone stretching and yawning. "Violet? Why are you up this early" Said Serena I told her i couldn't sleep and kept looking out the window dreamily. She walked up to the window as well and looked at her phone which had started beeping. "OMG" she said. I asked her what happened seeing since she was obviously excited. "Hanko just texted me saying he's gonna come visit L.A. for awhile!" Now i see why she was excited seeing as she had had a crush on Hanko for ages. "Thats great! sadly i'm not gonna be here when he comes" i said looking back out the window. I had to go back home tomorrow and probably couldn't come back for awhile especially if i accepted Awsten's invite to tour with Waterparks. It had only really hit everyone that i had to go home soon last night so we were still extremely upset.

Serena went over to the mini kitchen to make some coffee so I sat back down on my mattress.
The hotel had become a second home for me In the 3 weeks I had been here. We all had daily routines like going to Starbucks in the morning or trying to keep Fiore and Jeydon from fighting about which cat was cuter - Fiore's cat Poe Or Jeydon's cat Mokus. I'd gotten used to staying up really late playing Mario Kart with Brendon or having little dance parties with everyone so I already knew I was gonna miss them a ton. I can't imagine people not yelling at me for singing way to loud in the shower while everyone was getting ready or not trying to drag Fiore away from the coffee machine or her many different caffeinated drinks (One time she mixed a ton of monster energy drinks and tried to drink a whole gallon of it so we had to lock her in her room until we could pour it down the sink).

3 hours went by scrolling though YouTube videos and Twitter posts. Everyone was finally awake so that meant "Starbucks Time!".
We all hurried to get ready so we could meet OWA for my last morning in L.A.
We walked to the coffee shop and as usual had to restrict how much coffee Fiore consumed (As you can see Fiore is addicted to coffee and caffeine) .
After going to Starbucks we all walked down to the skatepark nearby and chatted about Memes and when I could see everyone again.
It might be more than 6 months till I see them if I go on tour with Waterparks but at the same time it's been my dream for years to live in the same tour bus as Awsten Knight.

We walked around talking for a couple of hours before everyone decided to go back to the hotel and grab swimsuits so we could go swimming at the beach.
The Second we got to the beach I put my stuff down and ran up to the waves. I didn't mind the slightly cold water but I hated it when people splashed me so the second I felt Brendon splash me I ran out of the water. I eventually walked back in and surprise splashed Brendon before jumping away before he couple splash me back. The sun was starting to set so we walked Home to dry off before going to dinner at a small pizza place on a board walk. We took a ton of instagram pictures that night before walking home as slowly as possible. I didn't want to leave.

*I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will be publishing the next part soon

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