Saying Goodbye

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We were finally filming a goodbye video.

Jeydon was basically giving me a bear hug the whole time which made it hard not to cry. Id gotten really close with everyone and i couldn't believe that in two hours they would all be gone. It was cool to have all of OWA, DH, and a couple other friends in the same room all at once.

We heard a sudden screech coming from the kitchen. "FUCK" 

Fiore had left the room to get some coffee while we were taking a break from filming and apparently was having to use the stove. She has been afraid of stoves for years so this was nothing new. I jumped up and ran into to kitchen to see Fiore on the floor after jumping back in fear. "IT TRIED TO KILL ME!!!" 

"umm no it didn't" jeydon says as he goes to help her up. "YES IT DID" Fiore yells as she stomps off with her coffee cup. "I DIDINT EVEN HAVE TO TOUCH IT"

After finally calming Fiore we finished our video and ran out to get some coffee. Last L.A. coffee trip i would have for a couple months so in enjoyed it. Jeydon and Quinn fought over who was going to get the most kills on Fortnite after i left. Serena finally decided to dye her hair purple instead of blue even though she would match Fiore. And i planned what i would buy for my parents at the airport as a souvenir.

Before we knew it we were heading back to the hotel (which had become a 2nd home) to pick up my bags. I checked under the beds, couch, and in the bathroom for any random things i could have left while packing. I picked everything up with some help from everyone and we headed out to the car. Kris (one of alex and johnnies friends) said he would drive me, Jeydon, and DH in his car. I had to say goodbye to Alex and Johnnie, Jordan, Jake, Quinn and finally Alex (other alex lmao)  at the hotel which was incredibly sad. Quinn was like a sister to me so it was hard not to look back or run over for one last hug.

                                        -Time Skip brought to you by Starbucks-

We arrived at the airport.

I gave everyone a hug and as i looked back i saw everyone tearing up. I was most likely not going to see any of them for 5+ months.

I started crossing the street but by the 5th step everything went black. All i heard was a scream and the sound of tires screeching.

*Hi sry for not updating! i meant to update earlier but got caught up with homework so sry. Ive also been applying for a school so that has taken alot of time. 

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