The End of Warped Tour

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*Part 2!

After my successful performance i felt super excited. i walked over to a couple other bands sets. 

I saw Jeydon in front of me at The Story so Far's set. I said hi and we screamed the lyrics while standing together near the front of the stage.

Im pretty sure i nearly got squished by crowd surfers quite a few times seeing and jeydon and i are pretty small but i didint get hurt so ill call it  a win win. Everyone met together for lunch to re-group and figure out when the next signing would be and how many bands we could fit in before-hand. I promised Alex (aloox) i would take her to see Waterparks before OWA had their signing so i texted Awsten.

|Awsten Knight|

Violet- Hey Awsten i wanted to know if my friend Alex Dorame (whos a big fan) and i could come to you bus to hangout?

Awsten- Sure Geoff and Otto are just playing Mario Kart and for once Otto is winning.

Violet- Ok sounds good.

We walked over to their bus and played Mario Kart. Alex was fangirling to whole time so it took a while before she could even talk to Awsten without freaking out. I could only wonder what she would be like if she met Matty Healy... We walked back to OWAs tent and i immediately walked into Jake who  was to busy drinking a Redbull to notice me right in front of him "JAKE! Did you not see me RIGHT in front of you?!" i said "Umm what.. wait did i bump into you? Im so sorry violet.. Mmm Redbull..." Jake walked off with his Redbull still completely oblivious to the world around him. "Wow Jake wow...." i thought as i walked into the tent. 

Everyone was getting packed up to go home and get dinner. We all decided on drive-thru Taco Bell for dinner seeing as it was near by and everyone seemed to be craving quesadias and crunchy wraps that night. 

We got home with our food and then proceeded to pass out on the floor after our extremely long hot day.  

*Extremely short chapter! I have something planned for the next chapter so i promise it will be longer and more interesting then just walking around warped tour. (It might have something to do with Disney)


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