Chapter 7

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We all sat down to eat in the living room. Breakfast was pretty good the chef added a little bit extra to the simple breakfast. While we where eating Rih was being nasty while eating her yogurt. Honestly I would've attempted to have her on the table.

As she was going to lick some off with the spoon upside down to her mouth it fell on her boob. Oh fuck me. I closed my legs together and started drinking my coffee straight. Blue showed me her plate then ran to her room to get dressed.

I stood up and sighed. I leaned over the table in front of Rih and said "I hate you."

"You love me." She smiled and got up kissing my cheek, before she went to get ready herself.

"Mhm." I cleared our plates and headed to my room to get ready.


In the car Blue wouldn't stop asking me questions about horses and I've officially had enough.

"Blue!" I exclaimed and she jumped, so did Rih. "Ask the horses caretaker all the questions you have. I really don't know anything about horses sweety."

"Okay mommy." Her smile dimmed a bit, but she continued to play with her Barbie's.

I sighed and kissed her forehead as we came to a stop thank fully. Franklin opened the door for us and then left with his wife. We walked over to the stables and met the caretaker. It took a good 15 minuets before we got to ride on the horses. Even then I wasn't paying attention. Rih looked so freaking cute playing with the horse.

"Ready?" The caretaker Jaz asked me.

I snapped out of my trance and nodded my head. She walked passed me and Rih walked over to me.

"You where not even paying attention to that lady at all." Rih says dropping her arm across my waist and smiled.


The ride with the horses was fun until I liked over at Rih and ran my horse into a log. I went in the air and hit a free. Not home crushing hard, but hard enough for me to have a bruise for the next few days.

"Damn." I sighed and got up slowly Rih and the caretaker lady rushed up to me catching either arm.

"Bey are you okay?" Rih asked as the caretaker let go of me.

"Yep time for my massage." I joked as she hugged me.

"You scared me."

"Your fault I fell cause your so cute." I pulled away from the hug and we got back on the horse.


"That massage was the best thing I could've gotten today. It feels like I'm high. Like a out of body experience but in my body." I explained to Rih.

"Okay give me my blunt back you've had enough." She laughed at me and took it finishing it off.

I just got back from my massage and Blue was sleeping so we took a smoke break.

"Rih." I said laying my head on her sholder.

"Yes B." She smiled and put her bud in the ashtray.

"I don't think its a good idea to be with you right now. At least not on this trip. I mean I don't wanna be alone, but I don't wanna use you for what I want when I wanted it you know." I glanced up at her and a playful smile danced across her lips.

"What if I wanted you to?"

"Rih don't temp me I'm serious." I sat up criss crossed and looked over at her.

"I am too. If you do ever need me I'm here okay. And when your ready to be emotionally connected I got you." She looked at me seriously and held my hand.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I sighed kissed her hand and got up to answer it Rih lit something to get the smell out. I opened the door swiftly and looked like a deer in headlights. Damn I didn't expect it to be him.

"Jay what are you doing here?" I said stepping out closing the door behind me hopefully Rih heard the emphasis on the J and caught my drift.

"I wanted to see Blue." Jay stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"She's sleeping right not but we're going to dinner soon so meet us their." I said crossing my arms.

"Alright Bey." He rolled his eyes and walked away.

Hopefully tonight will be okay just in case I'm calling Franklin to come with his wife for dinner.

I went back inside and sighed. Rih came back out from I'm assuming her room and closed the curtains around the house.

"Now that he's here were gonna need even more private rooms did you see this?" She showed me a blog and it titled Breaking News Jay-z splits from Beyonce

"Are you serious? That ass, you know what I was gonna be nice about it, but I'm scheduling an interview when we get back in town." I narrowed my eyes I'm done with crying in gonna take action now.


Oooh Bey's mad.

Who do you think should win Jay or Beyonce?

Is Jay still with Nicki?

Do you think Bey really isn't ready for Rihanna?

Do you think Rih was upset about Bey admitting that to her?

So you think Rih really cares or wants her because she is who she is?

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