Chapter 11

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I'm skipping what they did today and getting to when they leave for the jet

"Thank you for the horse mommy." Blue squealed I got her a horse its super cute.

"Your welcome baby. Please be good for Rih okay I'll be back later on tommorow morning you may be sleep by the time I get back." I hugged her and went to get my phone from my nightstand.

When I turned back Rih was standing in the door way. I smiked and hugged her.

"Good luck not that you need it, but still."

"Thanks I appreciate it."

"Remember don't say anything you don't want the world to know." She warned me and I nodded.

I smiled at both of my girls, before I left with Franklin to the Airport. Once I got on hed stay with Blue and Rih id be with my other body guard Bently.

After we pulled up to my Jet I thanked Franklin and hopped on my plane. I said my hellos to my staff and sat in my seat as we took off. I had a lot of thinking to do.

The truth was when me and Jay got engaged wverything was perfect. We went on dates we brought each other special gifts and thubgs like that but after I had blue things just started to go south. When I started working again on my music I built a lot more friendships in the business and we wemt out a lot. I guess he felt threatened because if always be with someone else but it was a business thing. He soon started lashing out on me after that about every little thing.

I started to pull back from those relationships becoming closter with my family. Mom, dad, Solo, and Kelly. Although even those started to decline as I turned my attention to Jay. I started to stay in and do my music from home instead of going out, but around then he got busy and started doing more trips.

One night we got into a argument and he went to our room leaving his phone on the counter. It started buzzing and I picked it up to bring it to him. Then I saw it was spme female spaming him with pictures. The bitch was naked. I was livid.

I ran up to the bed room amd threw his phone across the room so hard it got stuck in the wall. I screamed my head off at him and he denied and denied even though I saw what was happenjng with my own two eyes.

Then he blamed me for it saying I dont do what I'm supposed to as a wife and I was a failure. I took that shit to the heart I never said disrespectful things like that to him even tho I was mad I didn't call him out of his name ever. But he did all that when he could've just admitted and we'd work on it.

Nothing with him was done the easy way. Ever. Soon all I did was play with Blue days turned into months. That's why my family was so mad I couldn't talk to them at all I have many text from them that I never answered.

The holidays are coming soon and I'm not ready for the bullshit my family has coming towards me. I'll figure that out when the time comes. I got into the bed and scrolled through pictures of me and Jay and deleted them. I sighed and locked my phone.


"Mrs. Carter we've landed." The pilot said through my door.

"Okay." I said rubbing my eyes.

I got up and fixed my clothing throwing on some shades before leaving my jet. I got the flash of cameras even more so bombarded on me than normal. I got in the car and Bentley drove me to the studios of the Tyra Show.

I went to my dressing room as Bentley followed closely behind me guiding me with his hand. I found my door and opened it. Bentley stayed behind as my glam squad helped me get ready.

Once I was finished I went to the stage. I smiled and people cheered as I walked and hugged Tyra.

"How are you doing lovely lady?" She asked as we sat in the two chairs out for us.

"I'm doing great how about you?"

"I'm good. So let get to business shall we?"

"Ready when you are."

"What's on the agenda for your music?"

"Well I'm thinking of scheming something up with my team things will be in the works soon." I nodded and smiled glancing in the crowd as they clapped.

"Now what going on with this divorce?" She folded her arms across her legs.

"Well," I took a minute and looked down processing what I wanted to say. "me and Jay have be having issues with things a little after Blue was born. I guess right now he's done with what's going on and wwnts to throw in the towel. I wanted to try it out again, but guess that's not happening." I said looking her in the eyes and she nodded acceptingly.

"Who initially filed for the divorce?"

"He did."

"What was the breaking point?"

"His infidelity. Althoug he'd never admit it to the world."

"I see you." She nodded in agreement.

"So who's this spunky red head who's beeng seen with you?" She raised her eyebrows and I laughed with the crowd at her.

"That is my daughters nanny. Yeah it was actuallys Jays idea but I'm the one who hired her."

"So whats she like?"

"She's a really great person. Even though we just met I can tell she'll be around for a long time."

"Well she's gorgeous. How is she?"

"Yeah she's very captivating to say the least." I raised my eyebrows and looked down slightly blushing to myself.

"So what's her name?"

"Rihanna." I said almost swooning.

"Will we be seeing something come from her?" She looked at me expectantly,

"Maybe. Depending on what she wants." I nodded with a grin.

A few nonsense questions and I was back on my flight to the mountains.


I made it back later than I expected. Early 2 am to be exact. I was shocked when I opened the door to some candles lit around the living room. With some food on the table. I made a face and locked the door.

I walked over to the living room couch and smelled weed from the corner. I looked over and Rih was smoking with a smile. I dropped me bad and walked over to her. She spread her arms out instead of standing to greet me.

"Now you know if I sat on you, you'd break." I teased and she kissed her teeth.

"Sit your a-" I cut her off.

"Okay okay." I put my hands up in surrender and she smiled.

I sat on her lap amd she pulled me in for an embrace.

"Thank you for this. This is that sweetest thing I've had in a minuet." I admitted and she gave me a stank face.

"Seriously?" She cocked her head my way and I nodded shyly.

"Yes." I put my head down and she lifted it to hers.

"Man." She sighed and opened her mouth at say something but shut up and said "let's eat instead."


After the food Rih ran me a bubble bath and as I showerd up she sat on the counter and smiled down at me.

"Even though were only been together for a few days I know that we habe something going here." She said running a hand through her hair.

"Really?" I raised my brows as I started to wash myself.

"Yea. I just hope it lasts." She smiled at me, before she she said "Goodnight."

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