Chapter 19

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I drove Blue to school with her in the back seat and Rih in the passenger side.

"So Blue you excited for school?" Rih asked.

"Yeah North ia gonna be there."

(Kim Kardashian Wests daughter btw.)

"That's good you'll have a friend." I nodded and I parked.

We got out and I took her hand leading her in the school to her classroom. Rih followed carrying Blue's school supplies with her. Once we made it to the classroom I put her supplies up and gave her a big hug.

"I love you Bb." I said pulling away from her.

I took a picture of her at her locher and desk. Then in the hallway. We hugged one more time then she hugged Rih they said their love yous and we were off.

I drove Rih to her photo shoot for rhe day.

"Good luck Rih. You look amazing baby." I told her as she opened the door.

She turned back to me and kissed me, before getting out. Once the door shut I headed to the studio.

Our days continued like this unlit two weeks later. Me and Rih have been spotted together a few times they have been talking about her modeling saying that she's only been here for the money and the oppertunities. In the beginning it got to my head and I asked her. Even though she got pissed at me and said she wasn't mad anymore it seemed that way. We haven't really talked like we used to. Other than they or morning or if she needed a ride.

Which is bad cause shes supposed to be my girlfriend right?

Yeah thats what I thought.


Rihanna p.o.v

I was still kinda pissed at the fact that Bey actually asked me that. I mean you offered to help me why would I take that for granted especially when I love with you like I just don't get it. Anyway, I'm gonna suck it up and nip it in the bud cause it's her birthday and today should be special.

I snuck into Blues room and tickles her awake. She giggled and pushed me away.

"Hey Rih." She hopped up and reached for me.

I scooped her up and she hugged me.

"Hey Bb." I smiled and brought her to the living room.

"I need your help decorating for mommy." I said setting her down on the sofa.

"Oh yeah it's her birthday!" She smiled and threw her hands up.

"Yep. I need you to spread the confetti around the house from her room to the everywhere down here."

"Okay." She smiled grabbing the basket off of the table.

It took me a good thirty minutes to finish everything I needed to do and Blue still wasn't back yet. I found her in the kitchen eating waffles.

"Blue where did you get those."

"The chef lady just left."

"Oh shit I forgot I asked her to cook breakfast."

"Rihanna!" Blue yelled at me.

"Oh shush eat you waffles I'm gonna go wake your mom up." I waved her off and locked the front dpor on my way to go get Bey.

I kept through her door and saw her sprawled out on her bed. I perched on the mostly empty side and moved her arm and leg, before sitting down completely. I looked at her for a few seconds and sighed. I missed being this close even though it's only been three weeks I felt so far away from her.

I leaned over her and kissed her. Her eyes flickered, before I placed my hands on her cheeks; her eyes sprin2g open. She stayed there for a minute looking at me, before I leaned over again amd kissed her. She responded immediately and glided her tongue across my lip. I gladly allowed her access and she smiled into the kiss. She pulled back amd bit her lip nervously.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Her eyes dropped and my smile dimmed.

"Yeah, but I'm over it. At least for today." I waved my hand at her and her whole face dropped before turning to the other side of the bed.

I groaned and moved her back.

"Bey it was a joke please I don't want you to be mad on your birthday."

"How could I be happy when your not okay with me?" She covered her face with her hands.

I swung my leg over her and straddled her.

"I was upset that you'd ask me such a thing, but I get where your coming from. If the shoe was on the other foot if. Although I honestly do appreciate everything you do for me. So please don't be mad at me." I pryed her hands away to make her look at me.

"Fine." She sighed and sat up.

"Now smile cause today will be the best day of your life. Cause you have you amazing daughter and your beautiful girlfriend to celebrate with you. As well as some other people." I winked and she sat up.

"Are you done?" She asked with a smile and I bodded with a laugh.

"Good." She leaned over and placed her lips on mine again.

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