Chapter 8

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Beyonce G. Knowles-Carter Answer the damn phone!

- Solo

Why didn't you tell me you had troubles with Jay?


I'm sorry things didn't work out honey.


Beyonce I am your best friend why didn't you tell me I would've helped you get through this or over it.


I got your back girl. I hope this is a fake news somebody made about you and Jay. I wad just with y'all and things where fine.


My phone wouldn't stop buzzing during dinner. I had to turn it off to calm myself down a bit. Everyine is fliping out on me cause I didnt tell them my business. If I wanted to tell them I would've. I just didn't. Honestly I'm starting to come down from my high and really feeling pissed now.

Rih took my hand in hers and smiled at me. I know she ment just calm down everything will be delt with soon. I nodded at her and glanced at Blue. She was coloring a picture the waitress gave her.

Luckily we entered the building with all black everything cover ups cause I know the press is on there way out here to find me. It was on the website captioned 'She even took a vacation without him'. I booked my interview with Roxy from 106n park. It should turn out the way I want it too.

I nearly died when Jay sat across the table with a grin on his face. That evil bitch ass was basking in what hr thought I was going through. I turned my sigh into a grin as I looked at Rihanna. She looked so beautiful tonight I just wanted to rip her clothes off right then and there.

Wrong idea; I just realized that I wasn't wearing underwear so I defiantly need to chill, before it looks like I pissed myself. I turned to look at my food and took a bite of my mashed potatoes.

Rih but with red hair

"Did you want to talk about anything while I'm here?" Jay asked Rih's eyes almost shot out of her head and I almost choked on my water.

I hurried and sat the cup down before dabbing my mouth with a napkin.

"No why would I want to?" I sat my elbows on the table and intwined my hands together perching my chin on them with a smile.

"Some things aren't settled."  He said leaning back in the booth we where in.

"Actually," I made a fist by my side before saying "everything will be taken care of in court. No more playing nice with you."

"You got it. Blue you wanna spend the night with me?" He turned to her and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. Come on BB." He took her hand and they walked off I motioned for Franklin to follow them.

I turned to Rih and she had a finger held to her mouth meaning shush. I thought she was going to talk, but I was so so so so wrong.

She slid her hand between my legs and I bit my bottom lip. It was extremely dark and this area was private unless I clicked the button on the table for assistance. So I let it happen.

Once she made contact with my exposed flesh I was a gonner. She swiped me from my entrance to my clit and I moaned. She scooted closer and shushed me. I nodded not trusting myself to speak. She pulled my into her lap on one leg and whispered "Spread 'em Bey."

I was nearly dripping from that alone. I did as she said and when she touched me again I shivered. She put one in and out very slowly. I put my hand on her right leg the one I wasn't on and she added another.

I wasn't ready for that. My mouth gaped open, but no sound came out. I squeezed her leg until that quick pain subsided and I opened enough to make what she was doing feel amazing. The best part about it was that she took her time with it and made sure I knew with every stroke it was for my pleasure and not just here of doing it.

I arched forwards so she could get a little deeper. When she did she hit my spot. My body shuttered and I threw my head back on her shoulder. I felt her smile against my neck them she went as fast as she could leaving me no mercy hitting my spot over and over again. I clenched my walls and she hit me on the leg.

"Let go." She demanded and I did.

I let her so as she pleased grinding against her fingers hurrying to what I wanted and when it came I was so pleased.  I moaned kinda loudly and scratched her leg as I came all on her fingers. When she pulled them out they where slick in my juices.

She looked me in the eyes and sucked it off her fingers slowly sighing in my ear "Mmm you taste soo good."

I swear I melted. I just sat their with a smile on my face even though I felt like I couldn't move from the waist down.

"Now go get cleaned up we have more work to do." She said seriously and walked away.

I raised my eyebrows and sighed my short euphoria was over and I got up slowly of course. I scurried to the restroom and grabbed some tissue. I cleaned myself up and went to the car.

I got in and Rih said "Drive."

"Yep."  I took off straight to the house.

Rih did what?

Jays up to something what do you think?

Was that just a in the moment thing or did Rih save her from breaking down?

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