Chapter 23

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"Blue are you ready yet?" I asked her as she ran down the stairs.

"Yes. I need help with my shoes mommy."

"Okay." I turned around and sat next to her helping her tie her shoes.

"Thank you mommy." She said after I was done and hugged me.

"No problam baby." I smiled and picked her up.

I hopped in my range and we drove to the hospital to go get Rihanna

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I hopped in my range and we drove to the hospital to go get Rihanna. Once we opened the door she was dressed in some grey rumper and some sandals.

"You just missed my mom she had to go run somewhere for my medications." She informed me and gave me and Blue a hug.

"Good one less stop, before home." I nodded.

"I missed you Rih." Blue said and gave her the card she made her.

"Aw thank you babe." Rihanna said hugging blue again.

"I'm so happy your okay I can't wait to see you another day love Blue." She read aloud and smiled brightly.

"Blue that's so sweet." I said and smiled at her.

"I know." She laughed and I put her down.

I hugged her and she sighed putting her face in the crook of her neck.

"I missed you so much Bey." She said and I furrowed me brows.

"What are you talking about I've seen you every day since you came here?" I asked with a laugh.

"I missed being this close. We've been close, but not without me being in pain."

"Oh yeah. How are you right now?"

"I can eat, but still not in bulk. I still need to go to physical therapy so yeah I'm okay. I guess. The worst of all is I can't even touch y-"

"Okay I got it." I cut her off and she laughed at me. "Let's go."

"Okay." She smiled and grabbed her clutch.

She gave her papers to her nurse and we were off back to the house. We got settled in Rih's room for a movie day. Her mom showed up not too much layer and gave her her meds.

She went to the kitchen and cooked dinner so she'll able to take her next round of medicine.


"Bey?" Rihanna called me just as I was about to leave her room for the night.

"Yes Baby." I looked back at her with a smile.

"We should tell your family, before the press find out." She admitted sitting up.

"Yeah. But I know the only one who's gonna have a problem is my mother." I sighed and sat on the edge of her bed.

There was a knock on the door and Rih called "Its open."

Her mother opened the door and she scooted to the bottom of the bed next to me.

"Mom I wanna tell you something." She sighed before saying. "Me and Bey are together."

Her mother's mouth dropped Ahmed she gasped.

"I always knew you could pull, but never this good."

"Mom." She rolled her eyes and covered her face.

I laughed at her cuteness and so did her mom.

"Anyway Bey your mother called to see if you were coming to dinner tomorrow and you need to change her name from birth giver."

"Ms. Fenty when my mother acts like a mother I'll change her name back."

"What happened?"

"Mom I don't t-" Rih started, but I cut her off.

"No it's okay. She dosent like the fact that I like women. Ever since she gound out when I was younger she deemed me to hell. And every relasionship I had was a-"

"Shit show." Rih but in and I glared at her since I couldn't hit her.

"Where's Blue I'm gonna tell her you cursed again?"

"No, no momma I'm good." I laughed at their exchange.

"Well if you mother loves you at all she'll understamd that she can't change you with a bunch of hurtful words. She'll just have to suck it up and deal with the fact that y'all two want to be together. Speacking of which when are y'all going public cause I can't wait to tell my girls." She looked excitedly right now.

"Mmm. We should post a pucture rather than saying hey were gay." Rihanna joked and I tolled my eyes at her.

"Oh hush. But that's a good idea." Her mom nodded and she turned to me.

"So I'm guessing we'll post this picture when?"

"Tommorow, before we leave for dinner."

"Ohh you just asking for a whipping." Ms. Fenty widened her eyes at me before leaving closing the door.

Rih laughed at her and went back to the top of the bed. I got up and laid nect to her.

"Thank you Rih." I smiled at her and she nodded back at me.

"Now you need to pull a me and tell your family tommorow." She said sternly and I sighed.

"Alright." She leaned over and kissed me.

"I missed you too." I said pulling back.

"I knew you did." She put her head on my sholder and I wrapped my arm around.

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