Chapter 20

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I ushered her down the stairs with a blindfold over her eyes. She almost tripped going down the stairs I uncovered her eyes as we got to the bottom Blue holding the gift she picked out in her hands.

I took her blindfold off and she squealed. Blue screamed "Happy birthday!"

She hugged her mother tightly before reaching her, her gift. Hey wanted to do something that was adult and kid friendly for her birthday so. I asked Blue to pick a place and she got main event passes. That's whats in the box.

"Oh Blue thank you so much. We'll go later on tonight. Okay." She smiled at Blue and Blue jumped up and down in excitement.

"I can't wait. Mommy we got breakfast." She said pulling Bey to the kitchen.

I laughed at the cuteness and there was a knock on the door. I'm guessing Bey didn't hear cause she didn't turn around. I snuck to the door and opened it. I quickly gave them the sign to be quiet as they entered. It was her mom, dad, Jay, Kelly, Solana, and Solonge.

"Hey Mrs. Knowles and Mr. Knowles." I greeted them with a hug.

"Hello Rihanna. This is so sweet of you to do this for Beyonce your such a sweet girl." Mrs. Knowles thanked me and walked along to the kitchen with her husband.

"Hey girl." Kelly hugged me with a bright smile.

"What's up kells?"

"What's up sexy?" Solana hugged me.

"Whats up beautiful?"

"What's up big sis." Solange dapped me off.

"Hey lil sis."

I laughed and walked to the kitchen to be greeted by Beyonce with a big hug.

"Thanks for the breakfast." She pulled back and I realized her eyes were tearing up.

"Aw don't cry." I whispered and she nodded.

"Sorry I just can't remember the last time I had my family for my birthday." She shook her tears away and giggles a bit before going to the table with the others.

I went around the table and served everyone. Then sat down for myself. It was nice watching Bey with her family. Reminded me of mine. Well my mother the others disowned me.

"Hey?" Kelly tapped my hand looking at me skeptically.

"Yeah." I looked up snapping out of my trance.

"You okay?"

"Yes, I was just thinking about what we're doing later on."

"After main event you and Bey are going to the beach house we rented out for the night." Kelly smiled and wiggled her eyes at me.

"Oh my lord Kelly stop." Solo covered her eyes as we laughed.


"Alright everybody ready?" I yelled down the stairs.

"Yeah!" Solo yelled.

"Almost!" Solana yelled.

"Just about." Kelly said from the hallway bathroom.

I laughed and walked to Bey's room.

"Woah Baby you look amazing." I said smiling at Bey.

She blushed setting her make up brush down and walked over to me.

"Thank you Rih." She hugged me tightly then jumped back. "Go out on a bra those things are poking me."

"Hey leave my piercings alone!" I healed my hand to my heart. "Plus it wouldn't make a difference my boobs aren't the biggest Bey."

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