Chapter 16

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"Bey are you sure I'm not too dressed up fot this photo shoot?" Rihanna asked looking at me nervously.

"Baby you look amazing. Although I cant look at you too long cause I really wanna take that dress off of you." I admitted and she bit her lip at what I said.

"I'm serious."

"So am I, watching you do this photo shoot would be hard for me too. But since I'll be in the room with you act like your posing for me," I smirked standing up walking her into the nearest wall."appropriately of course."

I trailed my lips down her neck and stopped half way and kissed it softly.

"Bey stop it." She sighed and pulled away from me.

"Why?" I looked at her with a puzzled face and a pouted lip.

"I can't focus on that right now, but I do want too soon, okay." She shot me a glance and I nodded.

"Well I don't know what to say other than you got this. Act like you and over come it with your personality." She sat on her bed and I followed pursuit.

"I'm so nervous I think I may have a panic attack." She sighed and took some deep breaths.

I got up and keeled in front of her taking her chin in my hands.

"Rihanna of theres anything you can do I know its this. Now get up and get your ads in that car!" I narrowed my eyes at her and she did so givung me a look I never seen before.


Once we got in the office we waited five minutes before they called us in for the photo shoot. I had some big black glasses and decided to let Rihanna handel this on her own. Unless her nerves got the best of her. I was an observer today.

"Hello Miss Fenty. Are you ready to get started?" The photographer and his crew walked in.

"Yes." She said excitedly and I giggled at her cuteness.


She actually handled things better than I thought. Even though at first she was shaking and the photographer gave her a pep talk. I felt bad cause his was way better than mine.

I took off my glasses as they were getting ready to leave. Rih smiled at me and came over to hug me.

"Thanks for the support Bey."  I smiled to myself and pulled back.

"No problem as long as you put in the work."

"I won't let you down."

"Good cause I'm not gonna let you." I admitted and she nodded at me.

The thanks Rih one more tike before leaving the room. Then told her she would get her pictures tomorrow. She took my hand and we left to the car.

"Let's celebrate." She burst out looking at me excitedly.

"How?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Let's go out to the fair." She suggested and I laughed, but I realized she wasn't laughing.

"Oh your serious. I mean yeah that's kinda cute." I smiled and she hit me in the leg again. "Ow. Baby that hurts."

"Mhm." She narrowed her eyes at me.


(Honestly she looks like she's at a art museum in the picture.)

"Bey you aren't cold in that outfit?" Rig asked taking my hand as we scouted for a game to play.

"No mamn." I smiled and Rihanna shook her head at me.

She was in a cropped grey sweatshirt and green sweatpants with some shoes. I shrugged and hugged her from behind as we walked.

She looked at me quickly and stole a kiss from me. Before dragging me to a game. We stopped at the one where you throw the rings at the glasses and if they land around them you get a prize. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"You think you can win this one?" I smirked at her and she crossed her arms smirking back at me.

"Why you think I can't?" I she bucked at me her accent coming out more.

"I didn't say that. I mean that most people can't win this game the first few times."

"Well I'm not a beginner." She winked at me and took her three shots making all of them.

I raised my eyebrows and dropped them tilting my head to the side saying "Humm."

Rihanna looked at me with a smirk "Never underestimate me Bey you'd be surprised at what comes to the surface."

I nodded and she hugged me from behind "Which one do you want?"

"Wait your gonna give one to me?" I asked scrunching my face at her.

"Yeah, but you have to return the favor."

"Okay. I'd like the blue unicorn." I pointed to it at the top and the women who ran the game clawed it down and handed it to me.

It was way bigger than it looked it was the same size as my torso, but extremely soft and fluffy.

"Thank you Rih." I turned in her embrace and kissed her nose.

She laughed at me and pulled me to another game. It was go kart racing. It was great until Rih hit me from the right front side and I nearly sied crashing into the wall. Once we were done she boasted about her winnings.


After we played for a bit we got on the Ferris wheel. I laid my head on her sholder and sighed.

"This was fun." I smiled and she wrapped her arm around me.

"And you were knocking my idea." She joked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I'm sorry. I just haven't been here since I was a teenager. I forgot how nice it was to just chill."

"Yeah well there will be many more adventures like this one."


"Oh yea. We are not gonna stay cooped up in a house for ever."


"Yeah I don't plan on leaving any time soon."

"Good cause I wasnt gonna let you."

The Nanny (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें