chapter 3

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I am guessing by the lack of votes n comments I'm not doing very good so I'm gonna do this chapter n see how it goes but if I keep getting really bad results then I might as well delete the story which would be Hella sad cause I love writing...

Anyways, here's chapter 3, enjoy.

Sophie xxx

The bell rang signalling it was end of first period. I shoved all my books into my bag and twirled around to start walking to the door. However, my action was cut short as my body collided with someone else's causing my books to fall to the floor. Why am I so clumsy?

"I'm so sorry!"

I sucked in a sharp breathe as my eyes met the person I bumped into. Of course it had to be the teacher I was drooling over all lesson!

My back was facing her as I bent over to pick up my books that had falling. I may or may not have known my black lace panties were on show, but if I did no one had to know ;).

Feeling eyes on me I quickly turned back around so I was facing my Hella hot teacher, who was biting her lip. "It's okay little one but ya need to watch what you're doing. Don't want you hurting yourself would we?" She said in a playful voice.

The nickname 'little one', caused a major blush to find its way on my cheeks.

"No we wouldn't" I giggled slightly and she looked at me as if she's trying to work something out...weird.

For what felt like eternity when in reality it was a few seconds we were just staring. Green meeting brown.

She broke the trance I was in when she cleared her throat "you should probably go to your next class, you're gonna be late little one" she smiled at me and I swear I could've melted right there!

I couldn't stop the child like giggle from escaping at the nickname she seemed to like to use.

"You like that?"

"Like what?", I blushed.

"The nickname?"

Again with a blush I replied with a nod. "Well I guess if it makes you so happy then I will keep calling you little one. Students happiness is an important part of my job" she laughed lightly.

"Well I do need to go or I'm gonna get a detention so bye miss jauregui" I said softly. My teacher sat down at her desk before replying with a soft smile; so soft I could cry. "Bye little one".

And with that I walked out with butterflies in my stomach and a blush that was still evident on my face.

Who would have thought I would have a crush on a teacher? Definitely not me...


After going through three more torturing lessons I finally made it to dinner. Not going to lie I couldn't focus on anything, because the image of my maths teacher was tattooed in my brain.

Looking around the cafeteria I realize. I'm going to have to sit on my own..

Not long after standing in the entrance I find an empty table. My feet carry me to it and with a sigh I sit down. Curiously, I watched people and how they spoke and ate's not as creepy as it sounds!

"Heyyyyyy!!!" A deep voice shouted. Once I realized it was directed to me I looked up from my phone and I was met with a chocolate curled, petite boy wearing a really cute short pink skirt and a flower crown. "Hi" I waved and smiled.

"I heard there was a new girl and obviously I needed to meet you. Can I just say your skirt is to die for!" He smiled a dimple smile and his presence instantly made me so much happier! "I'm Harry by the way!"

He put his pink nail polished hand out towards me and I shook it. "I'm Camila and your flower crown looks beautiful with your curls!" I wasn't lying either he looked like a cute flower princess.

"Oh my gosh baaaaaaabeee! Your too sweet!" I could tell we would be best friends already!!! "You know you're the first person-"

My sentence was interrupted by another raspy but more manly voice. "Harry!" A blue eyed boy came up from behind Harry and wrapped his tattooed arms around him. He kissed him on his cheek. How cute.

"Hiya babe" Harry's cheeks had a prominent blush on them and it was absolutely adorable "So I was wondering when I'm gonna pick you up for the club?"

Oh! I love clubbing!

Harry had what seemed to have a thinking face for a while"You can pick me up at 9 cause that's when it will be getting good". The feathery haired boy smiled and nodded "okay princess".

When he called him princess I couldn't help letting a loud 'aww' slip out. The two boys looked up at me and the more masculine boy face palmed. "I'm so sorry! I'm Louis. I'm Harry's boyfriend!" He repeated Harry's action and shook my hand.

"It's quite alright Louis and I noticed! You guys are adorable" they both smiled at my last comment. Harry's eyes lit up and he squealed "omg you should come clubbing with us!"

I shook my head making my fringe go crazy. "Oh come on mila! You can come straight mine after school and if Lou doesn't mind he can pick us up together!" Finally giving in I gave my new found friend a smile and replied with "okayyyy why not, I'll have ask my momma first".

"Right that sounds good to me,but I gotta go the lads are waiting in rehearsals for me" and with a kiss to his boyfriend and a hug to me Louis jogged out of the cafeteria. "What does he have rehearsals for?" My eyebrows furrowed in a curious manor.

Harry smiled and told me how he sings and for the rest of dinner we spoke about ourselves, gave each others number's and bonded over stupid clothing styles and cute ones. It was so nice talking to him! He was the sweetest little guy you could ever meet I swear!

Sadly, dinner came to an end and me and Harry parted ways for our last lesson.


Okay but this chapter was Hella long and had 1058 words in it and if that isn't improvement then like I'm confused. I really love writing this book and I really hope our guys start liking it!

Sophie xxx

"Yes,daddy"// CAMREN TEACHER/STUDENTWhere stories live. Discover now