chapter 10

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Ugh who the fuck is calling this early on a Sunday morning? With my eyes still half closed, my arm aimlessly taps around to find my phone. Once I find it I lazily put it next to my ear.

(Normal = Camila. Bold = Lauren)

My voice laced with sleepiness as I finally answer the car "Hello?"

"Good morning beautiful"

"Lauren? Why are you calling it's like -" I stop to check the time "8 in the morning!"

"Quit whining and get ready we're spending the day together"

"Where are we going?"

"Stop asking questions and get ready lazy arse!"

"Okay, okay!"

"That a gurl! Be at your house at 9 bye"

As soon as the phone call ended, I slowly made my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After doing so I walked to my closet to look for something to wear for mine and Lauren's 'day out'. Finally I settled on skin tight white high waisted jeans and a dusty pink love heart crop top. Throwing my outfit on my bed I skipped over to my dresser and started doing my hair and make up.

I decided to go with light foundation, a nude sparkly lipgloss with eyelines and mascara. I went for a simple high pony tail style for my hair as I couldn't deal with it being all up in my face. After what felt like decades I was finally ready.

While I waited I sat with my mom on the couch watching some random stuff on the TV. "Any plans for today sweetie?" My mom asks her head turning to look at me. "Yes actually, I'm going for a day out with lau- uhm..a friend" I smile nervously as I almost slipped up and said my teachers name. To move the topic off of me I asked my mom about her work and we talked about other things until there was a beep outside

Once I got my shoes and jacket on, I began to feel excited about our day together.  "I love you ma!"

I reached her car and quickly got inside. As I turned to look at her I took in the most beautiful sight. Black ripped jeans with a white bandeau top and to top it off a leather jacket. Her face was just... breathtaking, almost unreal. she had no make up on besides a dash of mascara and lip balm with her hair down with natural waves.

Without a word I climbed over her side and rested my thighs on either side of her lap. "I've missed you" I say immediatly attacking her lips straight after. My hips unwillingly started to slowly grind on her making small, innocent moans leave my mouth whenever there was a tiny pause between our kisses. "Camz" she says between heavy breathes "we're outside your house still" I stop my all movements and begin to laugh as I realised what I just did. "Oh my God! I completely forgot!" Trying to calm my laughter I rest my head in between her neck and shoulder. Once I finally calmed down I got back in my own seat and Lauren began to take us to our unknown destination.


Two hours later and we were still in the car. "Where are we going?" I ask for the millionth time. She turned her head to look at me for a split second  "You'll see, we're nearly there. Be patient". I roll my eyes. She said that 20 minutes ago! "Yeah but -"

My sentence was interrupted by Lauren "no buts!" I cross my arms almost like a child having a tantrum "okay lern jergi" I giggle to myself at the nickname. "Such a stupid nickname" she giggles as she makes fun of my nickname. I smirk to myself and start chanting lern jergi with a weird voice. To go along with my chanting I poked her sides "camz stop I'm driving!!" She says in between her laughter. "say it's a good nickname then!" After a few more pokes she finally caved in "fine! It's cute I guess"

Stopping all my antics I smile triumphantly "I win". She jokingly scowls at me and stick my tongue out in return.

For the rest of the car ride we just spoke and sang to the radio until we finally stopped outside of a Cafe. "We're here" Lauren says as she unbuckles her seat belt and jogs to my side. She opens my door for me and I step out with utter confusion. "we came all this way...for a Cafe?" Lauren grabs my hand and starts leading me to the petite building. "hey don't judge 1) this place has the best milkshakes in town and 2) this way we are safe from bumping into people we know" i got why we had to hide but it's just so sad that we had a forbidden relationship or whatever this thing we had was.

The bell at the top of the door rang as we entered the cafe and straight away I noticed how every wall was pink and the floors were black and white checkard. It was very cute and pink, which I loved very much. The sun light shining in from the windows made the place look so beautiful. Don't get me started on the smell of the food, it was like heaven inside my nostrils.

"You like it?" Lauren bites her lip worriedly, as though she was nervous about me not liking it or something. "Laur it's beautiful" I say as I admire the pretty pink room full of food and smiles. "You go grab a booth and I'll get the shakes" I nod my head "wait but you haven't asked what I want?" She turns herself back round and smiles "trust me I know every single thing on this menu. I know what you want" the confidence and seriousness in her voice made me giggle to myself. silently I walk away to look for a booth, after about two seconds I found one with a small bunch of flowers in the middle of the table.

Laur came over with a giant, pink milkshake with rainbow candyfloss on the top and two straws. as she places it between us my eyes widen in ore at the most amazing shake I've ever seen. "It's so..big and pretty and wow" Lauren chuckles at my reaction.  She doesn't take a sip, instead stares at me "why are you staring? Is it cause I'm THAT cute?" I wiggle my eyebrows with a goofy smirk on my face. "No silly, I mean you are cute but I want see your reaction to your first sip of the unicorn shake" she rolls her eyes at my dorkiness and nods her head urging me to take a sip. I lowered my straw to reach my mouth and sucked until the pink fruity liquid reached passed my lips. A very satisfied moan came out of my mouth as I swallowed the most amazing drink I've ever tasted."I'd prefer for only me to be able make you make noises like that, not a milkshake" Lauren jokes and I chuckle with a slight blush. "Shush you."

For what seemed like an eternity we just spoke and laughed until the last drop of milkshake. A waiter started walking over "could I get you anything else?" He turns to Camila with a way too charming smile. Camila didn't even click in, however Lauren did. "Uhm no I think we're good here" I say with a rude tone as I begin to stand up. "but we got these cupcakes that are..sweet and.. mouthwatering." He attempts to say seductively and failing miserably if Lauren could say so herself. "I'm full up from my milkshake thank you" Camila smiles and gets out of her booth "and FYI I play for the other team Hun" I wink at him and Lauren smugly linked her arm with mine and we walked out of the cafe.

We laughed all the way to the car about the waiters face and bad attempt at flirting. "He was all like 'we got cupcakes and they sweet'" I lightly bump into Lauren's side as I laugh and she replied with "...'and mouthwatering'" she wiggles her eyebrows at me and lock eyes for two seconds before bursting out laughing."Guys like him are the reason I'm gay as fuck" I say with a half serious tone "got that right baby girl". We both got in the car and started our journey to wherever our next destination was.

That's how the rest of the day went. We go to a place: talk, flirt, kiss and laugh and then we get into the car and drive some place new ready to explore and adore.


Hey so I changed my mind because I love this book and honestly I missed it. Don't know if you guys even still wanna read it but just in case I want you know I'm not giving this book away and I will keep working on it even if I am a shit writer,

Sophie xxx

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