chapter 14

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It's been three weeks since that night and it has deprived me of sleep. I can't stop thinking about that police car and the look on Lauren's face when I asked about it. What is she hiding from me? It's absolutely killing me not knowing but how do I get her to tell me? Tie her up until she tells me? Tickle her? I don't know...

After another sleepless night I dragged my exhausted body out of bed and went to my closet to find an outfit to wear. Honestly my tiredness was taking over my care to dress well therefore I ended up putting on grey leggings and an off the shoulder black jumper. The energy it would take to put make up on is jus not worth it so bareface and ponytail it is.

A big sigh left my body as though it was suppose to take my drousiness with it and failed. My phone buzzed in my pocket signalling I had a text.

Lern jergi 💖: good morning beautiful xxx

I let my thumbs hover over the keyboard while I contemplate whether to reply or not. With a shake of my head I put my phone back in my pocket. She doesn't deserve nice Camila right now, I've had enough of being shut out. I'm not gonna talk to her until she tells me what the hell is happening with her.

"Mom is it okay if I walk to school today?" She turned around and nodded with a sweet smile that only a mother could give to a child. "yes or course..are you okay Cammy? You seem off recently" her eyebrows furrow in worry cause my heart to melt. "I'm fine Mommy I swear I'm just tired cause of school. I love you" my mother walked over to me and kissed my cheek "I love you too baby and you know you can talk to me about anything" I nod with a small smile on my face.

As I made my way to school I thought about everything that's happened in the last month or so: I found the two bestest friends I could ask for, I had sex with my teacher unknowingly and then continued to have sex with my teacher knowingly, somehow ended up really liking my teacher...and then spying on her and finding out she has something she's hiding from me. It's crazy how life can change because of one person.

After about 20 minutes I finally reached my school and walked inside and made my way to first lesson. Lesson one just so happened to be with miss jauregui... This should be interesting. As I walked through the door I made eye contact with Lauren and she smiled so sweetly I could get a toothache from it yet still want more. In a low, subtly flirtatious voice she greeted me "hello Camila Cabello". Her voice made my knees buckle and my heart race at a tremendous speed. "Hi laur- miss jauregui" I laugh nervously as I nearly slipped up and said her name as I've become so use to the name coming out of my mouth.

Besides a few glances and winks the lesson went on as normal. As the whole class began to leave the room Lauren made eye contact with me signalling for me to stay behind as I have done so many times before. I waited for everyone to leave the room before walking down to her desk as she walked to the door and locked it.

I placed myself so I was sitting on her desk with my legs dangling at the edge. "So what did you wa-" before I could finish my question her lips crashed against mine almost like she was hungry and I was her only source of food. A desperate moan escaped my lips as she pulled my closer to her body by my thighs. She tugged my hair making our lips part slightly. Her delicious lips tried to attack my needy ones again however I clicked back to my senses.

"Lauren, stop" I said breathlessly. She listened but her facial expression looked confused and then went almost sad? Helpless? "Okay that's it! You always so off with me and you never want to have sex with me anymore!" She exclaimed her voice was full of desperation and want. I put my hands at the back of her neck and stared into her breathtaking eyes. "Do you trust me?" Her hands found their way onto my cheeks caressing them in a caring way. "Of course I do but what does that have to do with anything?"

I took a deep breath scared of her reaction to my question "then tell me why there was a police men at your house?" Lauren's eyebrows pushed together in frustration but her eyes seem to look worried. "Baby you don't need to know it's not important and like I said some things are better left unsaid"

My blood boiled and the grip on the back of her neck grew slightly tighter but not enough to hurt her. No matter how mad I was I could never hurt my Lauren. I didn't want to shout but my patience was growing thin "if you trust me then why won't you tell me? If it's not important then why can't I know? I deserve to know! I know I'm not necessarily your girlfriend and your not my girlfriend however you are still one of the most important people in my life and I demand to know what the fuck-

Once again my words were swallowed and vanished in another liplock. Quickly and unsurprisingly I melted into to the kiss as though I hadn't just been shouting at her. When she pulled away she cupped my face. "Let me take you to dinner" I looked at her in disbelief "you don't seriously think you can just win me over like that and think I'm just going to drop this". she sighed "let me take you out and I'll tell you everything".

"You promise?"

"I promise munchkin"

I squealed and brought her body close to mine again as I crashed my lips against hers. After our make out session she drove me home and I giddily kissed her before hopping out the car and running inside my house. This was one of those moments in the movies where they slide down the door with the biggest grin and have a little happy dance.

My happy dance was cut short when mom stood in front of me with her arms crossed. "Why are you home at 6 when you were supposed to come straight from school?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head when she told me what time it was. "I was with H-harry he wanted to stop at a Starbucks and we got carried away talking"

She rolled her eyes and sighed with a smile "okay just please text me next time I was worried" I kissed her on her cheek "I promise I will, I love you ma". "I love you too" and with that sorted I ran upstairs and instantly began texting Lauren.

Me: so where are you taking me? Xx

Learn jergi💖: on my desk again ;) xxx

Me: Lauren! You dirty girl I meant for dinner xx

Lern jergi💖: you love when I'm dirty :) and don't you worry beautiful I'll sort something and it's going to be extra nice xx

Me: okay babe I can't wait and I'm feeling in the mood to be dirty right now daddy xxx

Lern jergi💖: oh really? Why is that baby girl? Xx

Me: cause daddy didn't touch me enough on her desk and daddy is so hot. I just can't get enough of you touching me xx

Lern jergi💖: does my sexy girl want Daddy to touch her and make her feel so good? Xxx

Me: yes so bad xxx

Lern jergi💖: what are you doing right now baby girl? Xxx

Me: I'm touching myself while thinking about you daddy xx

Lern jergi💖: mmm you're lucky I'm not there right now or else I'd spank you for that xxx

Me: and maybe I'd like it

Me: oh daddy I'm so close xxx

Lern jergi💖: think of daddy when you cum and how much you wish it was me instead xx

Me: ugh daddy I wish you could take me right here, right now xxx

Lern jergi💖: what if I can make that wish come true? Xxx

Me: what you mean? Xxx

Lern jergi💖: don't you dare cum baby girl, I'm on my way. Make sure your window is unlocked xxx

Me: wait you serious? Xxx

Lern jergi💖: deadly baby xxx

Lauren jauregui aka my teacher aka my lover is going to be in my house. What. The. Fuck.


Soooo it's kind of a cliff hanger? Sorry I couldn't write more, I know I'm terrible. However I do hope you liked this and the little sexting at the end as a lil treat xx

"Yes,daddy"// CAMREN TEACHER/STUDENTWhere stories live. Discover now