chapter 6

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Lauren's POV.

The morning sun cascades onto my face causing my eyes to open and my head to hurt: hangovers are the worst. I scratch my head and attempt to get up, however I struggle as something heavy pushes my chest back down.

Oh god don't tell me...Please tell me it was a dream and I didn't sleep with my student? Slowly and hopefully I looked down only to see a beautiful brunette girl. The sunlight hitting her face makes her look so mesmerising.

Shit! I can't think like this. She is a student and I am her teacher. I could lose my job! Cautiously I push her delicate body off of me and slide off the bed.

As fast as I could I grab an outfit and rush into my bathroom. The outfit ended up being tight suit trousers, a white blouse and a black and white striped blazer to match the trousers.

Okay now what do I do about the teenager in my bed?

Camila's POV.

My head hurts, my feet hurt and my vagina... hurts. I try to go back sleep but my body won't let me; tiredly I sit up and rub my eyes until they adjust to the light.

Once my eyes are finally okay I look around only to find that I am not in my room as this room is black and creamy and my room is cute and pink. Where am I?

I get out of the unfamiliar sheets my body was wrapped in and stand up. Why is it so cold in here? Oh no...I look down only to find myself, naked?! "Where are my clothes?" I whisper shout.

My eyes trail to a closet. Guess I'm gonna have to steal some clothes. The closet held quite work type clothes, which is really not my style. I end up just getting an oversized work shirt to cover my body.

Finally, I make my way downstairs to find out who I slept with.

As my foot leaves the last step I hear moving about in what seems to be the kitchen. I tip toe into the kitchen only to see a jet black hair wom- holy shit! It all hit me: I had sex with miss jauregui and she told me her name!

What was it now... lily, laurna... Lauren! "H-hi Lauren" I say timidly she must've not heard me come in as she jumps and turns around.

Lauren's POV.

I decided on making myself a coffee and ended up staring out my kitchen window thinking on what I can say to Camila.

"H-hi Lauren"

Lost in my own mind I didn't hear her tip toe in here causing me to jump and my body to automatically turn around. "hi Camila, I'm so sorry about last night I was drunk and I wasn't thinking clearly I mean I would never be intimate with a student-"

"It's fine, I don't regret it and I...liked it" she stands there with her hand behind her back looking all cute and- I need to stop. I walk up to Camila and caress her soft cheeks. "Little one you do realise this can't happen" I say as gently as I could. It didn't work as she pouts "why can't it? We don't have to tell anyone and you can't say you don't want it too" I know she's right. I do want it but it's too risky and so many things could go wrong.

I'm gonna have to say it, cause if I don't she will keep trying and it can't happen. "Last night was a mistake" I say as convincing as I could. She took a step back from me and looked at me with hurt written all over her face. "You want this just as much as me! I know it!" She shouts before running back upstairs.

My body jumps as I hear a door slamming. That was harsh of me but I'm her teacher, I'm an adult, I got to stop it and I can't want it - I don't want it...right?


Camila's POV.

I storm upstairs and go back to her room making sure to slam the door. Tears start to fall out my eyes as I drop my body on the black sheets. I breathe in through my nose and all I can smell is Lauren.

I literally got this close to being with my crush...I know it's stupid and everything she said was true. She is my teacher and it's dangerous. I don't even know why it hurt so much when she said last night was a mistake, just something about Lauren jauregui that drives me crazy.

"Camila!" I hear her raspy voice shout. I love the way my name sounds coming from her mouth. I quickly wipe away my silly tears and take a deep breathe. "In here!" I reply and immediately I hear the sound of heels coming closer until the door opens.

Without a word she sits on the end of the bed looking like an absolute goddess. "Listen, Camila. I do want you. I've wanted you since you stepped into my classroom. You are absolutely gorgeous and so sweet. But that's all I know and that's all I'm supposed to know because I'm your teacher and this" she motions between the two of us "can't happen, it's dangerous and illegal. I can tell you I don't regret last night and I wish things were different but they aren't. We will forget last night ever happened and continue as a normal teacher/student relationship."

By now the tears I tried to stop, started again. She took notice and came closer, surprisingly holding me in her arms. "I don't want it to be like that camz but it, it has to" I remove myself from her body and nod "I know but can I ask for one last thing?"

She furrows her eyebrows "go on" I take a breathe "can I have one last kiss" Lauren looks at me for a second before nodding. She leans in and I do the same. It feels like forever until her lips touched mine, creating butterflies in my stomach. My hands found their way in her hair as hers rested at the back of my neck.

Our lips moved in sync. The kiss was soft and delicate; nothing like last night. After what seemed like forever we parted and jus stared into each others eyes. The silence was broken by an alarm. It came from my phone "oh shit I have school!" Lauren laughs at my panicking. "It's fine you can borrow some of my clothes, I'll drop you off c'mon"


No one's POV.

Camila chose a grey wooly jumper and black ripped skinny jeans out of Lauren's draws. She looked in the full body mirror and sighed "guess this will have to do" she strutted down the stairs and located her shoes from last night.

Lauren walked into the hall to see Camila struggling to get her shoes fastened. She rolled her eyes but smiled fondly "come here" and with that she put Camila's shoes on with no struggle at all. "Thank you".

They both stood up and Lauren smiled at Camila's cuteness "it is fine little one now let's go" and with that they headed to Lauren's car and set off for school.


Camila's POV.

We finally reached our destination. As I'm about to leave the car, Lauren grabs my hand and pulls me back crashing her lips into mine. After a second she pulls away. "What was that for?" I question shocked at what just happened..again. "call it a part 2 of our last kiss and plus I wanted to, now don't get into trouble missy" I raise my eyebrows "and what happens if do?" I bite my lip thinking dirty.

"Let's hope we don't find out" she whispers so close that her lips graze my ear. My breathing starts to become heavy "goodbye Lauren" I say rushed as I stumble out of the car. She smirks "goodbye little one"

"Wait aren't you coming?" I furrow my eyebrows confused as to why she isn't getting out the car "I can't silly or else people will know we've come together and we don't want questions asked" she says obviously. "Of course sorry haha see you in class" I say embarrassed and rush into the school gates.

What a weird start to the morning....


So I thought I'd leave this chapter here because it will make the next chapter 10x better because there's some juicy bits!! Comment something you want me to add into the story. Please vote & comment.

I love you cupcakes

Sophia xxx

"Yes,daddy"// CAMREN TEACHER/STUDENTWhere stories live. Discover now