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"I can't believe you actually did that!" Lauren and I stumbled clumsily into each other as we laughed at our antics in the diner. "What can I say these hips don't lie" I said in a pretend sexy voice which turned into a goofy laugh. A happy sigh escaped my smiling mouth as my eyes danced around Lauren's face. My Lauren's face.

She looked at me with a confused expression "have I got something on my face?" I giggled slightly at her cautiousness "no silly I was just admiring you because I think you're beautiful" I replied with a voice full of love. "Damn camz...That's so fucking cute" and with that said she kissed my very grateful lips and guided me to her car.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked with pleading eyes and a pout. Her hand placed itself on my thigh "nope. Now climb in my backseat" she said sternly. "If you wanted to fuck you could've said so" Lauren gave me a confused look and laughed "I meant to get into your warmer clothes" my face turned red as I realised my silliness.

Awkwardly I climbed into the back of Lauren's car and began to wiggle my way into the leather trousers and out of my dress. Although I was out of breath I managed to climb back into the passenger seat now dressed in my cream crop jumper and leather trousers. She looked at me and tutted "how do you manage to look good in everything" the look in her eyes nearly made me scream. "Let's go. Time for the second part of our night" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Second? What's the third part?" I'm so lucky to have such a thoughtful lover. "Don't worry baby girl, you're gonna love it" although I wasn't suppose to hear it, a 'i hope' was whispered at the end in a worried tone.


Hand in hand we walked through what seemed to be a forest. "Uhm laur, I'm not saying I don't trust you but...Are you trying to kill me? I've watched all the crime documentaries, I know every killers move!" A giggle left her luscious lips. "Now why would I kill my favourite person?"

We carried on talking until we came to a sudden stop. I felt soft hands cover my eyes and hot air on my neck that left goosebumps in it's tracks. "Are you ready baby girl?" Came out as a whisper with the sound of nature in the background. "3,2,1" I waited eagerly for her to say- "open" slowly my eyes fluttered open and what they landed on made my heart skip a beat.

It was a field full of healthy, green grass that had patches of vibrant flowers that almost looked like they possessed magical powers. There was a circle of candy floss pink flowers with the middle filled with grass. In the center of the grass was a blue and red striped picnic blanket with a brown picnic basket sitting on top of it.

"Oh my God" shocked and overwhelmed I jumped on Lauren and attacked her lips with mine. "This" kiss "is" kiss "the" kiss "most" kiss "romantic" kiss "thing anyone has ever done for me" after my mini assault we walked over and sat across from each other on the blanket. "So you really like it?" The slight timidness in her voice was the most adorable thing I've ever heard. "Are you serious? Of course I do!" I shouted  with a big grin on my face.

Lauren really did good. Everything was perfect. The diner, the picnic...I've never felt such an intense feeling of appreciation and worth before. She makes me feel like a queen, a diamond. The power she has over my emotions and my heart could be dangerous yet I couldn't help but love the danger. Happiness, freedom, strength, lust: I feel everything and more when I am with her.

Somewhere between talking, eating and kissing (a lot) we found ourselves with our backs comfortably resting on the picnic blanket and our faces peacefully laying next to each other. "Tonight's been probably one of the best nights of my life"

Lauren smiled and traced her fingers down the side of my blushing cheeks. I couldn't help but push my head towards her hand aching for more of her touch. "We still have one more stop" she said mysteriously causing my mind to wonder at all the possibilities. "Don't you think you've given me enough?" My hand recreated her action as I glided my finger down her soft cheeks. "I could give you the world and that still wouldn't be enough to show you how much I care and adore you princess"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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