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So I know I haven't updated in so long but plz don't hate me. Recently, I was in a really low state of mind and just didn't wanna do anything and now I'm moving house so I will be busy for two weeks or so but I promise promise PROMISE an update will come as soon as I'm done I will start planning and it will be extra long and extra juicy and amazing (hopefully)

If any of you have any suggestions for the next chapter to help me plan I would love to take Ur ideas to make u apart of this new experience and maybe even make it more enjoyable for you as well as me.

Please bare with me I will put everything into this book when this obstacle has passed. I love you all so so much please be patient with me and as I said comment your ideas I wanna hear what you have to say because you are just as much of a part of this book as me so you deserve a say in things so go ahead critisize me, love me and fill me with ideas.

I love you ,

Sophia xxx

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