Pulling The Strings

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Happy new year in advance guys 🎆🎉🎉🎆
This is the last chapter for 2017 and I wanna thank everyone for reading, voting, commenting and sharing this book from the time it was published till this very moment. Looking forward to seeing you guys in 2018!

I'm dedicating this chapter to
A fan of this book and also a writer. You guys should check out her amazing book called 'Ibironke' 👍🙌

Chapter 27

"She is?" Jessy asked, a surprised expression on her face.

"No... No... I mean she's my good friend." Daniel stammered as he realised what he said earlier.

"Yes, we're friends," Susan added. "And from the look of things, you two must be his adorable little sisters." Susan purred.

"You hear that, Daniel. She called us adorable. Have you ever called us adorable?" Jenny asked with a nonchalant shrug.

"I'll keep that in mind." Daniel scoffed.

"Anyway, what's your name, Daniel's friend," Jenny asked.

"My name is Susan," she replied with a light smile

"Nice name. I'm Jennifer and that's my younger sister, Jessica; but you can call us Jenny and Jessy because that's basically what everyone calls us," Jenny said with a nonchalant shrug.

Susan chuckles, "Alright.''

"Men! I'm so hungry. Susan, can you buy us lunch?" Jessy asked as she held her stomach.

Daniel glares angrily at her, "Lunch? You two should be on your way home...like right now."

"Leave us alone or are you jealous we're gonna leave you hanging like you did to us in the Christmas party," Jenny said as she smirked.

"How many times have I apologized to you guys? And you girls were better off with Mom than with me," Daniel said with a tight tone.

"Ooh...yeah, the fun was never ending with mom around," Jenny said, sarcastically.

"Wait...you two were in the party?" Susan asked.

"Yep, but somebody decided to leave us alone with our parents," Jessy said glaring at Daniel.

"You girls should start getting used to life without me because I won't be around forever," Daniel stated.

Jenny and Jessy glares angrily at Daniel before turning their attention to Susan.

"C'mon Susan, or aren't you buying us lunch? We have a lot of things to discuss especially things about Daniel," Jenny said as she smirked at Daniel.

Susan chuckles, "Alright, no problem. Let's go," Susan said. Jenny and Jessy jubilate before walking away Susan.

Daniel sighs, "This should be fun," he muttered to himself before trailing behind them.


"And there was also a time he dipped his hand into a bucket of blue paint and cleaned his hands on our dad's new suit," Jenny stated in husky tone as she took a bite of the donut Susan had bought for her and Jessy. Daniel had been sitting quietly observing and listening to the lies his sisters had been telling Susan concerning his childhood days.

"Yeah, dad was so angry his face turned red," Jessy said before busting into a laugh.

Susan laughs hard, "Oh my God. Daniel has got a very funny history."

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