Kidblaze chapter 1 : worlds collide pt. 1:Digimon x monster strike

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"We for a case of vilemons on the streets of liberty and cascade. And only Kidblaze and Baset stand in there way."

Kidblaze:So glad I still have the monster strike app!

Go Baset!

With the pull of his finger from his phone, he sends Baset into the swarm of vilemons, slicing through them like butter.

Baset: oh man this is so much fun!


Kidblaze:Oh you guys want to come at me? Very well!

Burst! ★

With the snap of his fingers kidblaze unleashes a mini explosion right in front of him, defeating all the vilemons in the area in front of him.

Kidblaze:Strike shot Baset!

Baset:Meow, STRIKE SHOT!


"In an instant, one by one the vilemon collapse as Baset starts striking them down. They were doing quick work of them with ease."



"Kidblaze gets ambushed by some Vilemon from behind."

???: ★Pepper breath burst!★

"Suddenly a burst of fireballs come scattering around, blasting away the Vilemons away."

Kidblaze:I know that move...


A big dragon comes at Marcel and starts hugging him!

Marcel:Ha! I knew you would show up sooner or later, Agi!

Agi:I'm back in the human world! I can't wait to eat as much funnel cake as I want!

Kidblaze/Marcel: We got to finish this clean up first.

"Suddenly a big champion Digimon appeared at the preschool two blocks away!"

Baset:Dogs! Of all the things...

Agi:A black garuramon!

Let's go!

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