Brier's story chapter 2:Day 1

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Brier:("I walk into the gymnasium and I see 15 people arguing against each other. Some of them   I know cause they are from some of my favorite anime. The rest I'm not sure of.)

???:Hey! Look! Maybe he knows something!

Brier:Woah! Your Togami right?

Togami:Well he knows my name, so he must know something.

Brier:Not much. I just know you from Dongaronpa.

Girl with gamer outfit: Donga... Ronpa?

Brier:Chiaki's here too?

"I noticed that there were Characters from different Dongaronpa games and novels. (Just my hypothesis.) Don't tell that we are in...

???:Wow! Somebody knows of my work!

" from the stage out of a trap door, out comes... Monokuma!

Monokuma:Hello everybody! I'll be your head master for this event! Names...


Monokuma: Eh, Yes? How do you know my name?

Togami: You know that bear?

Brier:This is not good.

Monokuma:This is interesting! Everybody who's come in contact with me has never seen the light of day again.


"Everybody looks at the sinister bear with fear."

Monokuma: Actually, I don't remember you coming into this building.

Brier:Neither do I. So how bout you let me out of here and away from this killing game that you are about to get started?

All:Killing game?!

Monokuma: No no! You ruined the surprise!

Uptight girl:Like what the hell is this kid talking about?!

Brier: I know everything about you Monokuma. Even how to beat you. I need to find your sister, the mastermind and its over.

Monokuma: What?! Your not suppose to know this !much!

Brier:Then you picked the wrong guy to kidnapped!

Monokuma: I never would have kidnapped a person like you! It was probably that guy in purple.

Brier:Guy in purple?!


"The lights flicker an a man is now suddenly on the podium next to Monokuma."

Monokuma:Gahh! Wait how'd you do that? That was kind of cool!

Brier:Mr. Afton!

Purple guy (Mr. Afton:):You even know my family name. I was right to pick you up.

Brier:That's great! Two of the worst people have done a super evil team up!

Monokuma: That's Right! Plus he offered me his Robots in addition to the team up!

Purple guy:There Animatronics.

Monokuma: Yea yea, same thing.

Togami:So what do you want from us?


"A tricycle comes rolling up to the stage and out comes jigsaw?!"


*breaking fourth wall*

Brier:I was told no SAW!

Kidblaze: Relax! Its just gonna be traps. Now back to the book. *Kicks Brier back into the book.

Brier:(This I am not looking toward to.)

Makoto Naigi: Which is?

Jigsaw:We would like to play a game. One that brings Justice from the unlikely of places.

Purple guy:You will survive 5 days and 5 nights here in this academy.

Monokuma: As security guards at night, you must survive against the animatronics from your living quarters. Which have state of the art Tech to help.

Jigsaw:You must survive from 12:00am to 6:00am. Then when day comes my Riddles. And mine will test your wits and clever. Also, thee traps won't be... Too life threatening.

Uptight girl:You mean we could die?!

Brier: I'm not going to like this.

Monokuma:Well folks we will let you guys have your recess before the night comes to take you away. 5 hours till 12:00 folks!

Purple guy: Have fun.


To be continued...

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