chapter 28:Reunion II

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Karie:It looks like I'm gonna have to kill that kitty!

Baset:You can try!
Baset activates awaken mode!

Marcel:Agi! Come on out!

I let Agi out of her digivice, and Digivolved her to Rizegreymon. I then go Krypted and my right eye turns red.

Karie:Going all out on my? Fine then, I will too!

A strong aura comes out of her. Her hair turns from black to purple, get your a bit taller and her eyes turn yellow. She exhaled and you can see her breath, rock tax my girl?! Ever heard of one?!

Karie:Now... Let's Play.😇

She comes at us at great speeds and rams into Agi and tossed her to The ground. Baset goes to scratch her but Karie catches her hand and slams her to the ground. Ahhh gets back up and grabs Karie and shoot her.

Agi: ★ Trident revolver! ★

Karie gets hit three times with the revolver. She was in pain but she loves it!

Karie:*laughs* Oh how I missed the pain. It will make this all worth while!

Marcel:Tell me Karie!

I get behind her and grab her by the waist.

Marcel:What are you gonna do?

She breaks free and pins me down to the ground.

Agi & Baset:Marcel!

Marcel:Easy girls, she's calm now.
What will you do, Karie? Cause if you start to kill again, I will have to kill you this time.

Karie:I just want to Be by your side.

I felt the sudden change in Mood and atmosphere. She really has changed. Besides the whole obsession with me.

Marcel:I only date girl that can handle themselves

Karie:Then let me prove it.


They both get up from the ground and stand apart from each other.

Marcel:Agi and Baset.

Agi and Baset:Yes?

Marcel:Gather the remaining members and bring them over here.

Baset:What about you?

Marcel:I'm gonna give her what she wants. Now go.

Agi and Baset leave to find the other members.

Marcel:Burn out mode!


Marcel:That's new!

We both go in our Limit modes and clash!


Kats concert.

Kats brother:Five min. Kat.

Fandom:This will be fun right?


We get into our positions and as the curtain rolls up I begin to play.

KatAclysmic:What is up Erie?

I can hear the small audience cheer for my appeal. That puts a smile on my face. I begin to play records on my set while Fandom plays the electric guitar 🎸.
She is really good on it. I'm kinda jealous.


As we come to finishing I could see out of the corner of my eye those shadows from before. Fandom sees them and she stops playing. I was about to but Fandom told me to put on some action music. I see what she was doing so I play along.

KatAclysmic:Here's a little bonus for you people!

The shadows begin to attack and Fandom takes out her katana and starts hacking away at the shadows. The crowd cheers even more as they are able to see a play as well. Talk about last minute improvise.

Suddenly the shadows start to merge into one big shadow and slams fandom into the ground. She was out cold. Just as I was about to fight...

???:Bat swarm!

Bats start to swarm the giant shadow.


A man pounds the shadow into dust.two boys appear and as the smoke settles, they were familiar to me.

KatAclysmic:Brier! Derek!


In a bed room somewhere in Milkcreek...

???:! Was that dream real? If so, this makes my day even more exciting. I need to head to Erie and meet up with the gang.

Hall of games HQ...

???:It looks like the world is in trouble... Again.

???:Can't that Guy stop causing trouble on our Date?

???:Let's be Honest, Dan, it's marcel.

???:That's true! When has Marcel never  gotten into trouble?


Dan:Fair point. I suppose we should go help.


Xeonhort:Ahh! We have arrived at our destination, Sephiroth.

Sephiroth:Which is?

Xeonhort:One of the many places that we will gather our Allies and take over Kingdom hearts and a certain World I've had my eye on for some time now.


Xeonhort:Well then... Shall we get started?

Tokyo city, shibuya district...


Roxas:Yeah I feel it too, Lilith. Something is happening over in Erie.

That means my cousin is involved in it.
Shall we go there and help out?


Brier:Hey Kat! Fancy meeting you here.

Kat:I love here.


Derek:Okay can we focus on the fact that Marcel is missing still?

Kat:He 's missing?

Derek:Pretty much. yeah.

Brier:By the way who's the guitarist?

Kat:This is my Persona, Idol Fandom.

Fandom:How's it going?

Brier:... Wow. Personas are in this now? How many shows are in this?!

shadows from Persona and kingdom hearts start appearing around them.

Derek:Apparently Kingdom hearts as well.

Kat:Ooh. Yeah! I love that game.

Suddenly Some of the shadows are getting caught in fire and getting sliced up. It was Agi and Baset.

Baset:Hello friends of Marcel!


Kat: Digimon too?! (Don't know where the Kat girl is from.) Now I'm excited.

Derek:You guys know where Marcel is?

Baset:he is currently fighting his ex right now.

Derek & Brier:His EX?!

Kat:Marcel had an ex?!

An explosion happens far off in the distance.



Kat:What is going on?!

Derek:We need to hurry up and defeat the enemies in front of us.

Brier:I should've just slept in today.

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