Dynamic duo! Kings of courage vs Queen of Lust

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Marcel:The Kings of courage...!

Roxas:Have arrived!

Marcel & Roxas:To take down the wicked Queen of lust!

Roxas:Fighting Dungeon!

Roxas makes a dungeon  around the school

Roxas:this way we can fight without damaging anything.

Marcel:Alright! Also she's done charging!

Karie throws a ball of darkness at us! We both dodge and start to dash at her.Roxas kicks her right in the stomach but doesn't make her even flinch. She grabs Roxas foot and starts to squeeze it.

Marcel:No you don't!

I Roundhouse kick her to the railings of the roof.

Roxas:Hah! My turn! *runs up to her.*
Zen Headbutt!

Roxas channels psychic energy to his head and suckers Her off the Roof to ground level.


Alora:Wow! So those are the famous Kings of Courage. Amazing!

Derek:Oh man. *gets up* wait where's that she devil?!

Kat:Went to fight Marcel and that other Boy who looks like him.

Derek:I'm going back to fight!

Brier:Dude you were no match for her in your current condition.

Alora:He wasn't at His full power.

Brier: Watchu mean?

Alora:He can use mana.

Brier:He's a magic user?!

Derek:I'm a Mana brawler! But more on Mana.

Hey Alora! That's your name right?


Derek:think you can teleport me to my place so I can get my other things?

Alora:Need to see if anyone is dreaming over there.


Okay! Grab my hand.

Derek and Alora care into most and disappear.

Brier:Now that's cool!


Roxas:Oh boy she is a hassle.

Karie is locking arms with Marcel as they start to Bradbury each other.

Roxas: (I'm sensing more than a love quarrel here.)

Roxas tries to interfere but Karie notices and swings Marcel into him and he is knocked into the bushes. Karie starts biting Marie's neck.

Marcel:Ow! Hey!

Pins Marcel to the ground and keeps on biting.

Karie: (Ah! Your blood taste even more delightful.😍)

Marcel:Get off!

Marcel kicks Karie off of her. Roxas jumps up, grabs her head and throws her into the school.

Roxas:You okay?

Marcel:No I'm not! There's a hickey bite mark on my neck! Hahaha !y mom gonna think?!

Roxas:That's what your worry about? Lilith gives those to me all the time when she goes feral.

Marcel:Yeah but gets hurt!

Karie:I do tend to get a bit rough and now.

Marcel:Oh boy.

Roxas:You think it was wise to fight her without backup?

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